How is everyone's training going?

Easy ways I eat well with minimal processing time:

Grill an entire pack of chicken breast at once: Refrigerate. Pull out and heat what I need in my toaster oven and throw in with some salad or on a sandwich or whatever.

Grab a pack of mixed veggies and pre chopped beef stew meat from Walmart, put in Crock Pot with appropriate amount of water in the morning: Beef Stew for dinner.
Target sells steam-in-bag microwaveable frozen veggies that I swear by when I'm feeling lazy...often I'll just throw pan-fried tempeh or chicken in, make a soy/peanut butter/lemon juice sauce, and put stinky crumbly cheese on top. It's really quick prep, if you everything right you can pretty much cook the protein while the veggies are in the microwave and the sauce is optional/takes like 1 minute to make anyway.

My night out was fucking terrible, so bad that I didn't even stop for pizza on the way home. Success in that regard.
I've never really cared about having shredded abs or anything. Not a priority

I'd say you should at least work out your core a little more. A strong core even helps you with other lifts because it helps take off pressure of your shoulders, neck, etc., and can potentially help you lift more. It shouldn't be a priority (douche bags only care about their abs and obliques lol), but it shouldn't be neglected.

Anyways, Good job on your arms and back.
I'd say you should at least work out your core a little more. A strong core even helps you with other lifts because it helps take off pressure of your shoulders, neck, etc., and can potentially help you lift more. It shouldn't be a priority (douche bags only care about their abs and obliques lol), but it shouldn't be neglected.

Anyways, Good job on your arms and back.

Uhhh pretty much any compound lift works your core.

Also wtf I didn't realize this was "the armchair body critique thread"
Still, the big arms and shoulders make your flat, tiny chest look...flat and tiny. Hit some chest man. NOW! Do it or I'll ejaculate on it.

haha your chest always flattens out some when you flex like that.

Edit: I realized I can take (terrible quality) pics with my phone. Flat and tiny you say?
Uhhh pretty much any compound lift works your core.

Also wtf I didn't realize this was "the armchair body critique thread"

Yes, but as divine_torture said, it looks a bit weird to have built up arms and back, and then have a flat stomach. I'm sure he does compound lifts, but if I was him, I'd work on the stomach a bit more.

If you think this is bad, go to the forums. "YO BRAH, U B MIRIN ME CUZ MORE JACKED THAN U" "FUK U"
All right faegs I don't want to see all your gay little body pics. Abs isn't that big of a deal, I do my p90x2 ab ripper every day I workout, it's 15 minutes and makes me feel sexy. Helps with my cardio too.

Think im going to try and do the crossfit workout at my gym tomorrow, it's like twice a day and if I dont have to pay, i'm going to give it a whirl.
And use a dumbbell instead of a plate! Looping the chain through the hub of a plate SEEMS like a good idea, but when you're using a 45 that thing'll be hitting your balls.
Yeah man, some dude pointed that out to me a while back. It's definitely much easier with a dumbell than a plate, especially if you're doing more than a 45.
I've never been a fan of weighted dips. They're hard on those little shoulder and elbow muscles that are easily damaged.
No more or less so than any heavy press unless you're going far too heavy. The problem with dips is you get guys strapping on 100 pounds and then moving a couple inches, then one time they go too far and wham. Out comes a rotator.
I went for a run outside for the first time in a couple months and it was great, except the bike path hasn't been cleared at all so I was running on ice for four miles. Oh well. Still great.
Since I lost my job I have lost lots of weight. I can't eat as healthy as I would like on the small budget I have but I am dropping weight so I'm not too upset about it. And going to the gym really helps me deal with my stress.
Eating healthy doesn't always mean expensive. Unless you're talking $10 for ramen noodles a week kind of a budget...then yeah, I dunno.

I just got done looking through stuff at and fuck, their shit is so much cheaper than going to GNC. I'm never going to GNC again unless I have to. Plus sends free shit and has cool sales and stuff.

Anyone have any recommendations on a good pre workout drink? I use Assault and have for a few months, but I'd like to test out something else. I've been considering either Jack3d or 1MR, but I dunno. I've used C4 and I hate that bull shit.
Another cop-out weak lame ass workout this morning. I am gonna have to start going after dinner if I ever want to see any gains.

I really like barbell-in-the-corner exercises. I might ONLY do things that involve a barbell in the corner from here on out. I love the isolation factor. Just me and Shpongle and I can't see anyone, no distractions.