How is everyone's training going?

I really need to get some wrist wraps or something, my wrists are killing from the front squat presses I did yesterday

Ugh that is the worst! I get that sometimes, but my wrists are only like 5" around (used to be 4.75" but lifting has made them a little bigger) so I'm not sure what I can do to battle genetics.
Did weighted dips today for the first time in like over a year methinks. My standout set was 15 reps with the 65 pound dumbell held in my legs. They don't have a weight belt with a chain at that gym, so gotta do it the old school way.
Did weighted dips today for the first time in like over a year methinks. My standout set was 15 reps with the 65 pound dumbell held in my legs. They don't have a weight belt with a chain at that gym, so gotta do it the old school way.

I'm calling you a big fat liar, you doing some bullshit reps? If not, that's pretty good. I'm on 45 plate, but maybe it's different with a belt/leg huggings
I don't lock out my elbows because that's not really good for them, but I usually get pretty good depth. Pretty sure I go down to about 90 degrees. Dips are something I've always been able to do a ton of weight on for some reason. Maybe I'll try and make a vid sometime lol. I've done a 90lb dumbell before, but that was with a weight belt with a chain. Don't think I'd be able to do the 90 just held in my legs.
A 65lb dumbbell is, uh, FAR from the realm of calling anyone a liar dude. Just because you're not that strong doesn't mean everyone stronger than you is bullshitting. :p It IS, however, a lift to be proud of, taco. Weighted dips are the shit. Wish my shoulder was healed up, I'd probably do more of 'em.

Actually lately I've been messing around with dips on gymnast rings. WAY harder to stabilize so no way in hell I'd be using any weight at all, getting a set of 10-12 just bodyweight is difficult enough as is.

Today hit 405x6 sumo pulls, 225x5 front box squats, some box jumping, then a bunch of little stuff. I'm curious to see if I can get a 495 sumo pull in the near future. I like doing the lift that way.
Thanks man! I also got 185 for like 6 on the bent over rows, haven't done that much in a few months either, felt good. I will feel like a fucking beast when I can do 225 for reps on that.

I'm going back to university on Saturday, so I'll be able to work heavier on weighted dips since they have a belt there. I'll need a couple weeks to figure out the best times to lift, what with class and work and shit. I'd love to try gymnast ring dips, haven't come across them though.

Isn't doing that much weight on front squats killer on your wrists? I did just 95 on front squat to shoulder press on Monday and they were pretty sore.
There is some new years lying in this thread, i've seen your pictures taco, i'm going to be checking on your form this week at the gym
My quads are still hurting a LOT from leg pressing LAST WEEK, sad o'clock over here.

Did the usual bench/shoulder press/lat pulldown/seated cable row plus plank pushups and renegade rows with two 40# dumbbells yesterday, resulted in a lot of shaking, love it. I can't wait until it's not 0 F outside and the days are long enough where I can run outside again.
Isn't doing that much weight on front squats killer on your wrists? I did just 95 on front squat to shoulder press on Monday and they were pretty sore.

When you do front squats, the bar should be on your shoulders, not your wrists. I know rms is gonna bitch, but this video should show you what I mean.

The weight's on my shoulders, my hands are only there to stabilize it. And if you REALLY lack flexibility, well I guess you can hold it up by crossing your arms in front of you instead of the rack grip.
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Looks pretty brootz SGD.

There is some new years lying in this thread, i've seen your pictures taco, i'm going to be checking on your form this week at the gym

Lol wtf man, no lies here. I'm not exactly a small guy, I'm 6'0", averaging about 195 bodyweight the last couple weeks. And it's not like I'm some noob, I've been lifting intensely since the I was 13 (I'm 23 now), with only a year or two interspersed where I wasn't lifting much. My lifts aren't that absurd that they should be unbelievable to you lol. And where did you see pictures of me, did I post some on here?
Oh yeah haha. A cardigan is not very revealing of muscles haha, and that was also back in May when I hadn't lifted for like 2 months or so.
Ignore rms. Just in general. Anyone who thinks a 65lb weighted dip is unbelievable is probably someone who doesn't know a hammer curl from a hammerhead shark.
Well you fags took me serious, I just thought he was lying because he looked really skinny in that photo, but even then he's not doing similar rep to me(because he's weird about his joints, like any lifting is good for that) and I got a pretty sick tricep workout.

Dont be mad SomeGuyDude because you will never run like a gazelle like myself