How is everyone's training going?

Have you tried working them in with other foods? Steak and eggs, especially when done together in the skillet is soooo good. The egss absorb the steak flavor.
Man. Eggs are one of my favorite things. Five in a pan, handful of diced jalapenos, onions, chopped up ham, toss in some spinach, then after it's all cooked mix in shredded cheddar and fry that right onto the whole mix... delicious.
I remember some days in Afghanistan where it was usual to take in about 10-12 liters of water a day.

I need to note that I do have one or two cups of black coffee in the morning so it's not a complete water-only intake.

Black coffee is excellent for your health. I consume plenty of it, I just don't balance it with water like I should. I remember drinking about 4-6 liters some days in Iraq, but I worked the night shift and my deployment was half during the late winter/spring so I didn't get exposed as much to the searing heat of the summer.
Black coffee is excellent for your health. I consume plenty of it, I just don't balance it with water like I should. I remember drinking about 4-6 liters some days in Iraq, but I worked the night shift and my deployment was half during the late winter/spring so I didn't get exposed as much to the searing heat of the summer.

This. The only two things I drink are black coffee and water. I need to up the intake of the latter, though.

...not counting beer on Fridays.

Also, did a 5k in about 25 minutes yesterday. Calves are still shot.
So last week I got to 155 for 4 reps squatting (this is after going to free weights from the smith machine). Today, though, I managed 185x6 and did it twice. I'm making progress. Yay!

EDIT: Weighed myself. In a month I've gone from 218 to 206. Fantastic!
Nice one! It's prob all that "not drinking," booze = pure sugar!

I'm getting interviewed by someone in Toronto for a book she is writing on weight loss and maintenance. My secrets will change how people view it: "Ummm I get high most nights and eat two ice cream sandwiches"
Sigh. Was trying to do some touch and go deadlifts, training myself to work with straining under the bar without a pause. Hit 425x3 no belt pretty easily, but put 455 on and I accidentally rocked forward a bit. Lower back: not happy right now. Just stopped after the one rep.
Did like 105 I think with the front squat to shoulder press (I'm not sure how much the EZ bar weighs. It was pretty tough. And apparently those are called thrusters? Also started doing dumbell bench instead of barbell, got 2 decent sets with the 90's. 10 and 6/7 reps I think. Hopefully next week I can do it on a lower bench, the gym was packed and we had to do it on one of those adjustable benches that are higher off the ground. I really hate them.
I had a great time throwing plates on the barbell in the corner today and walking lunges and leg press, but then I was running late (and was late to work) and had to forfeit well before I was really done.