How is everyone's training going?

Haven't been to the gym in like four days due to business, and feel like crap because of it.

I do have a totally new workout I'm gonna do. Shocking the system is the key to big gains overall.
I'm going to start seriously working out this week. I haven't been regularly going to the gym for a few months now, and it's not very fucking good.

Out of curiosity, what supplements do you guys use? I usually use just whey protein and creatine, but I heard from some guys at school there are some alternative protein supplements that work even better than whey. Anybody know anything about that?
Protein is protein. Get it for cheap and enjoy. I also throw in MusclePharm's "Assault" just for a boost before I go.

Today was a few things. First up was every minute on the minute one rep of a push jerk, starting at 135 and adding 5 pounds per round. Made it up to 245 when I just shat out.

Following that, chinups sets of 3-5 with stretch bands anchored to the floor. That got fun.

Finished by working on my butterfly kipping pullup technique.
If you want solid strength gains, protein and healthy fats and a supplement of creatine for muscle repair (not pumping) is the best.

If you want to look like a human balloon, there's all sorts of dubious things advertised in any random muscle mag you can waste money on.

Edit: Also a calcium supplement/food consumption complement.
I haven't even been using protein shakes lately, just eating a lot of food. It seems to be working ok, but I'd benefit from a protein shake added into my diet for sure.
If you want solid strength gains, protein and healthy fats and a supplement of creatine for muscle repair (not pumping) is the best.

If you want to look like a human balloon, there's all sorts of dubious things advertised in any random muscle mag you can waste money on.

Edit: Also a calcium supplement/food consumption complement.

I bought some Creatine today, and I plan on buying a big 5 lb thing of whey in the next few days. I got standard vitamins, and calcium and a bunch of shit. I'm waiting until I get in a bit better shape and am working out a lot until I start eat a lot and really try to bulk up. Right now it's going to be regular food, lots of vegetables, okay amount of carbs, good amount of lean meats and supplements. Once I lose this extra fat and start to look better, then I'll bulk up. I'm going on like a semi-cut.
If you plan on buying whey, I highly recommend NOW brands cross-flow micro-filtered isolate. This is an example:

You may find it cheaper elsewhere or in other flavors. What you absolutely don't want is hydrolyzed protein.

A more expensive but supposedly better option is finding crossflow microfiltered protein concentrate (instead of isolate).
You guys gotta stop overthinking protein. If you can find a jug of whatever for $30 just buy it. It's goddamn protein.
still dropping 45 per of the gnc brand, thinking of going back to gold standard but I really have no idea what other brand I would use
I've never been able to drink protein shakes. Try to compensate by eating high lots of foods that are high in protein, but I would really like to find a drink that doesn't taste like garbage.

These are expensive but go down somewhat painlessly. No malitol so you won't be bent over with gas pains for hours.

I just try to eat tuna and plain Greek yogurt and tempeh and chicken and turkey burgers and steak all the time. But I'm a 125-lb female who isn't trying to get bigger, so I have it easy.
Boom, has Splenda in it (sucralose). Toxic.

Sucralose is getting into everything and it's really pissing me off. Every energy drink I've checked has it. Most "workout" supplements have them added now, like the el cheapo Walmart creatine I was buying.

I like NOW brands because you can get things in as pure a form as possible.

I think you're getting swept up in hype. Sucralose, the amounts you're talking about in a scoop of protein, is pretty negligible. It's like years ago when everyone said Aspartame caused cancer because scientists force fed rats half their weight in it daily and they got tumors.

Relax. If you keep a clean diet overall, a bit of splenda in your effing protein shake ain't gonna hurt you. Do you really think the best athletes in the world are stressing over that? You ever seen what Michael Phelps eats??
Relax. If you keep a clean diet overall, a bit of splenda in your effing protein shake ain't gonna hurt you. Do you really think the best athletes in the world are stressing over that? You ever seen what Michael Phelps eats??

I'm mainly concerned about the destruction of gut flora, which doesn't need to happen in one large dose but can happen in small amounts which add up over time. There's no reason to consume it when you can get the same things without it. You can get quality protein without MSG or Splenda.
I'm mainly concerned about the destruction of gut flora, which doesn't need to happen in one large dose but can happen in small amounts which add up over time. There's no reason to consume it when you can get the same things without it. You can get quality protein without MSG or Splenda.

Sure you can, but if you're on a budget crunch... relax. We're talking miniscule amounts here. If you're eating piles of splenda on a daily basis maybe, but frankly the amount of preservatives, hormones, and pesticides in everything else we eat every day is likely doing way more damage.

Start getting paranoid about toxicity of your food and you're gonna end up in a straight jacket. :puke:
Sure you can, but if you're on a budget crunch... relax. We're talking miniscule amounts here. If you're eating piles of splenda on a daily basis maybe, but frankly the amount of preservatives, hormones, and pesticides in everything else we eat every day is likely doing way more damage.

Start getting paranoid about toxicity of your food and you're gonna end up in a straight jacket. :puke:

I try to avoid the other stuff as well when I can. Eating healthy and minimizing (as opposed to eliminating) toxic additives isn't difficult on a budget. On the contrary, processed foods are much more expensive.