How is everyone's training going?

DB bench drop sets. 5-7-9-11-13 reps at each weight with zero rest between, three rounds with 3min rest between rounds.

Round 1: 105-95-86-75-65
Round 2: 95-85-75-65-55
Round 3: 85-75-65-55-45

Did some banded/weighted pullups afterwards. Really would have liked heavier weights on those DB presses but ugh it's like my body forgets how to do them after taking off for so long.
It's a fun time. Today's circuit:

- Hang cleans 95x10
- 12 split jumps
- 20 double unders

Max rounds in 15 minutes. Did 8 and a half, nearly died. Finished the "ten rounds" by swapping cleans out with stiff leg deadlifts.
I started doing leg presses regularly (twice a week) about a month ago and I still have "beginner's exponential gains" going on there. Very encouraging.

Other lifts have stalled but are finally back to normal after being sick. SGD were you sick too?

LOL got Quest bars in the mail today, with free samples of ******YCUT HARDCORE ELITE and XENADRINE XT: XTREME THERMOGENIC. Probably bullshit.
I took a week or so off in the hopes that my right shoulder would heal. It didn't so I said fuck it. ******ycut is actually pretty legit if that's the kinda product you're after.

...Is h-y-d-r-o-x seriously censored here? What happens if I want to talk about the original sandwich cookie brand??

Oh and also. Nice workout today. Ten sets of five on standing military presses with just 105. Working on speed and explosiveness. Rounded the workout out with cambered bar rows, ring dips, ring chins. Feeling all right.
I've seen dudes do standing military presses, what's the pros/cons of that? Seems like it could really fuck your back up

Probably some pill spammer tried to sell hydr oxycut
I've seen dudes do standing military presses, what's the pros/cons of that? Seems like it could really fuck your back up

I think it's one of those things that's just dependent on what you're aiming for. I'd say the pros are that it works on your core, trains balance and stability, and you can't lean back as much so it keeps the chest out. Also you CAN use leg drive which helps you just with holding heavy weights overhead (not a bad thing to be able to to).

Cons are that it's not as effective as seated if you're targeting muscles, it's easy to lose balance, and if your core isn't built up you can definitely tweak something.

Far as I'm concerned as long as you're pressing a bar overhead it doesn't matter how you do it. Seated, standing, strict, leg drive, whatever. Just get it up there! :p
I've seen dudes do standing military presses, what's the pros/cons of that? Seems like it could really fuck your back up

Probably some pill spammer tried to sell hydr oxycut

Been building alot of strength up doing these, sometimes ill use a belt while doing these.
Ugh, strained my quad two weeks ago and now I can't do anything without irritating it again. Weights, swimming and biking all agitate it. You use that damn muscle for everything. I guess I just have to learn to be patient and let it heal, but it's hard to sit still when you've become used to exercising almost every day.
I love standing overhead press. I usually use the EZ bar, I really like that for most things actually. The curves are more comfortable on my wrists.
Huh, sorry about the shoulder.

I'm not interested in Hydr0xycut, not gonna compete or need to make weight for anything for any reason.
@SGD: Here's what I'm doing (Squat Press). I do 5x5 of these. That's either 95 or 100lb, Can't remember if my EZ bar is 15 or 20lbs.

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@SGD: Here's what I'm doing (Squat Press). I do 5x5 of these. That's either 95 or 100lb, Can't remember if my EZ bar is 15 or 20lbs.

Ah! See as a Crossfitfag, we call that a "cruster". It's a clean into a thruster. One hell of an overall body exercise. Thrusters alone are ten kinds of a bitch.
Took the last week off from lifting, dieting, and supplements. Kind of a decompression to ease the ride haha. I start back up tomorrow morning with a solid chest/back workout. Yay!