How is everyone's training going?

Tell us more about eating healthy, Mr. "I drink apple juice and eat iceberg lettuce for my 5 servings of vegetables per day" :lol:

Just kidding!

All my time in the gym is paying off. Went late-night tubing and shovel-sledding on a steep hill - not only was running back up the hill a piece of cake, but I was able to hold weird complicated yoga-ish poses that would have been impossible with a weaker core. Yeah!

Back and triceps later today. I think I'm gonna try 195 on the bent over rows if my warm-up sets feel good. I did a set or two with 275 on smith machine shrugs last week so I'll probably just stick with that for more sets. And I think I'll try the 75lb dumbell on dips today.

Back and triceps later today. I think I'm gonna try 195 on the bent over rows if my warm-up sets feel good. I did a set or two with 275 on smith machine shrugs last week so I'll probably just stick with that for more sets. And I think I'll try the 75lb dumbell on dips today.

For some reason my left forearm muscle gets super tight and feels like it's ripping, can't do that shit anymore.

But I have decided to split up my back/tri days into two days of workouts or a two-a-day, felt cool putting a 90 dumbell tricep extension today, want my weighted dips to improve though.
Just curious, what whey you all use? I'm looking for cheaper options that aren't like 1g of protein per scoop or made out of horse cock, and shit like that.
Circuit training is not the best for overall fitness.
Anyone here ever try Bioforge?
I have tried this stuff along time, i started it up again last week and already improving all my lifts with massive pumps.
Just curious, what whey you all use? I'm looking for cheaper options that aren't like 1g of protein per scoop or made out of horse cock, and shit like that.

lol 1g of protein per scoop...
I suggest you try Gaspari's Myofusion, ive been using this for the last 2 years and have had great results.
Joined the YMCA in addition to my barebones weights/boxing gym. I hate their treadmills and some Billy Blanks wannabe told me I was using too much weight when I failed on a fourth rep on the lat pulldown on set number 4 or 5. Thanks for your helpful advice.

Sauna and pool will be cool though!
Billy Blank references are always good for an lol.

I've pretty much cut out beer and soda to help get ready for beach season. I think my "addiction" is to canned carbonated drinks and not necessarily the contents. Must be like the smokers addiction to the act of smoking as much or more so than the nicotine.
Seltzer? No harm there really. Better than smokers replacing smoking with finger food and getting huge.

Long way to go but I am becoming ever more pleased with my one-man gun show. My back is finally wider than my hips!
In light of the current political paranoia, I always get a chuckle out of gun show references.

"Heard they were closing the gunshow loophole, guess i'll need to get these babies registered"


Edit: And no I am not drinking carbonated water :yuk:
You can get it in flavors! I hate it too tbh but it is bubbly in a can.

I'm on Day 3 of a chest cold. Breathing at all makes me cough so I think the gym is a terrible idea. Have lost 3 pounds because I can't eat.
Down 6 pounds in 7 days but I felt well enough to lift yesterday...still not 100%, my face was turning red in ways it doesn't normally, I think in a day or two I can do cardio again
@DOc: Some fast paced melodic death metal is always good for cardio. Lifting is another animal.

Can definitely tell a difference in my shoulders and legs with this new routine. Legs are toning and shoulders are gettin "swole".
Hopped back on the Juggernaut program. Fuggin' balls I forgot how rough this was.

10 sets of 5 on squats, full depth and no belt, 60sec rest between sets, and then an attempt at more than 5 on the tenth set. Just to start off.
Getting my skinny ass back in the gym. Time to put on some more muscle...Yoga, mountain biking and a vegan diet has got me a bit too slender...Time to change somethings up a bit.
Dumbell bench was great today. Including warm up sets, I think I did

50s x 10
60s x 10
60s x 10
70s x 8
90s x 8
100s x 8
100s x 6
105s x 5

Never done the 105s before so that was pretty cool. Then we did a couple other things and then finished up with abs, which we hardly ever do.
Getting my skinny ass back in the gym. Time to put on some more muscle...Yoga, mountain biking and a vegan diet has got me a bit too slender...Time to change somethings up a bit.

5,000 calories a day of tempeh soaked in oil with peanut butter! hnngffff I wish I were in that predicament. I have the hungry hungry hippos BAD but am trying not to eat back the few pounds I lost.
I guess this is where some call me "fortunate" because if I wanted to I could eat a whole cheesecake with every meal for the rest of my life and I would just shit it out the next day no problem, not gaining a ounce.