How is everyone's training going?

Rest weeks are good now and again if your body is starting to tear down. I had one a bit ago.

Yesterday I felt like shit from a bad weekend of eating so I did an impromptu WOD. "Grace" is normally 30 clean-n-presses with 135, but I decided to use my bodyweight, so 30 C&P with 195. Took about 11 minutes, but was kinda fun.
Clean&Press is one of those things that's like 75% technique and 25% actual strength. More you do it, the better ya get. Mine still needs a lot of work but I'm getting there.
Yeah I've been working on getting better at hopping beneath the weight when I'm getting it to my shoulders, that helps a lot. It's such an exhausting exercise, I think better stamina would help more than anything. I don't sleep enough.
LOL I miss carbs. Had a few too many in the past week, though. Friday was my normal mini-binge. Sunday was my friend's baby-shower-for-a-dude party which meant we bought some supplies and then drank four cases of shitty beer. Then last night I went a little loco with the red wine because why not. So it's been kinda an ugh week overall, but I'm gonna make up for it by skipping the binge this week.

Training, though? Oh boy. Have I got a fun little circuit for you guys that I did, haha. You should try it if you're interested in mixing shit up.

Basically you go every 30 seconds on the 30 second mark, alternating between two exercises. So if it takes you 10 seconds to finish the set, you rest for 20. If it takes you 20 seconds to do the set, rest for 10. You follow? Okay.

Start off with axle press and weighted chins. Five rounds with your bodyweight on the axle and 40-50lb for the chins, 3 reps each. Then drop the axle weight to 85-90% of your bodyweight and to 20-30lb for the chins for another five rounds of 3 reps each. Finally, drop to 65-70% on the axle and NO weight on your chins, five rounds of FIVE reps each. When dropping the weight, no stopping the timer. So move FAST. I suggest pulling the weight off one side after you finish the presses, then off the other side after you do the chins.

So 15 rounds total, 55 presses and 55 chins total. Believe you me, it's no goddamn joke.
What do you weirdos cut carbs out for? Are you trying to do some competition? I have so many carbs every meal I fucking love them, never would do some lame ass diet like that.
What do you weirdos cut carbs out for? Are you trying to do some competition? I have so many carbs every meal I fucking love them, never would do some lame ass diet like that.

Because it makes me bigger, stronger, faster, and leaner than you.

I'd rather eat plain food and feel like a king for the 15 waking hours of my day that I'm not eating than cram garbage in my mouth and be out of shape.

Food < life

EDIT: I also don't cut carbs out, I cut out grains and shit. I'm having a bigass sweet potato with my pork roast right now and I had a little brown rice before the gym, not to mention the assloads of fruit and vegetables I eat. If your life sucks because you're not eating what you want, you put WAY too much damn emphasis on food.
Pretty sure that for a 200lb guy running a 6min mile ain't too bad. But then again, I admit that I'm weighed down with muscle. Getting through a Fran in 4:45 wasn't too shabby, just gotta work on my pullup kip. And it definitely felt good nearly clean and pressing 275 the other week.
I don't eat a lot of carbs because they make my blood sugar go crazy and serve no purpose unless I am going to be spending hours distance running or something. I don't NO CARB or follow a ketogenic diet, I just save it for beer and ice cream because shit like potatoes, bread and rice and pasta is not worth the calories.
Exactly. I don't no carb either. Far from it. I do, however, eat CLEAN food. Fruit, vegetables, meats, nuts, fish, etc. And overall I feel better. Plus at this point, greasy or sugary foods just aren't particularly enjoyable. About two weeks back I got a P'Zone (used to LOVE those) and it made me literally sick to my stomach. Nowadays something like an omelet and bowl of fruit is what I look forward to.

So, weighing the pros and cons, I'm gonna happily stick with a better diet.
Yeah man. I'll eat whatever the fuck I want on vacation but I really only get excited about the good stuff at this point. I had a total bonding experience with Hez (used to post in this thread) at the bar the other day about IF and low carb + saving it for when the sweet tooth attacks. I'm glad other people in the world exist who know how awesome this is.

I didn't bring workout clothes but I've walked loads, at least probably 6-7 miles today total, with lots of stairs. You can't be a sedentary loaf in big cities. No wonder literally everyone in London is a fucking supermodel.
Agreed. The best part about being on a good eating plan is the occasional deviation is almost GOOD for you rather than just piling on more fat cells.

Funny thing, though. After six months of incorporating Primal and a few IF concepts into my eating (which, incidentally, also work WAY better with my work/gym schedule), my cheat Friday has gotten more and more tame. For the first month or so I'd get a pizza or a shitload of Chinese food, or I'd order a huge hoagie with breadsticks and maybe polish it off with a donut or two.

This past Friday? I got a basket of dry rub wings and drank two big beers. That was it. Barely even a cheat. I didn't really want anything else. Mostly I just wanted the beer, the wings were just to get some fat and protein into the meal.
Finally got back into the gym today.

My buddy and I decided to try a chest/back super set routine. Did HammerStrength seated rows with HammerStrength Incline presses, deadlifts with bench press, lat pull downs with dumb bell flies, decline HammerStrength with seated cable rows, and t-bar shrugs with cable shrugs. That was a fucking intense workout. We both texted each other later after we took a nap. HA! Felt really good.
I'm back into hardcore mode after only being able to go to the gym about 3 times in the last 2 weeks due to an avalanche of personal shit. Feels good to get back into it but my form sucks so far.

I've seen a few people that I haven't seen for a while lately and they've straight away commented that I've lost weight and look better before I've told them anything about my new regimen so yeah woooo results.
Hopped on the scale this morning. I was 124.2 lb the morning I left and 124.4 lb this morning. That's incredible. I was expecting to have packed on like 5 lbs of carb bloat.
Fucking gym is KILLING ME again. I've upped my routine on most stuff and backed off reps on some things but increased intensity and I'm back to nearly collapsing and shit. I've finally cracked the 90 kilo barrier though. Weighed myself last night and I was 88. Huzzah!