How is everyone's training going?

I'm at the point in my bulk where I'm starting to put on a significant amount of fat, which really likes to collect around my waist unfortunately.

Age and alcohol will do that to the best of us.

I still don't do any cardio. It's been years since I've gone running or anything like that. I'm an ectomorph and I'm paranoid that doing cardio will destroy my gains.

Makes sense. I'm somewhere between endo and meso (more endo), so I need a lot of cardio, and the need seems to be going up pretty noticeably with age. Carbs go straight to the midsection.
surely you can average a 9min mile long distance?

Cardiowise probably yeah but there's other factors like blisters and dehydration at that distance. I'm running one in a week. I've been running on an indoor track during the summer and shifted in the last week back to outdoors despite the heat and humidity still being stupid high here until Michael came through. Huge difference in an indoor "rubberized" track and pavement in terms of blister generation when using toe-shoes. Trying to quick-form the necessary calluses right now. I also simply don't drink enough water. Been trying to rectify that but it's a daily struggle. I have no concerns about finishing the half, and I'm sure I'll be *around* two hours, but making it under is the goal. I already know I can consistently run half of a half (10k) at an 8 minute pace, so it's simply a matter of extending that with minimal time loss.

Progress pic from a few days ago after weightlifting class. I used to lift at home but I got out of it over the summer, its nice to be back into it
Cardiowise probably yeah but there's other factors like blisters and dehydration at that distance. I'm running one in a week. I've been running on an indoor track during the summer and shifted in the last week back to outdoors despite the heat and humidity still being stupid high here until Michael came through. Huge difference in an indoor "rubberized" track and pavement in terms of blister generation when using toe-shoes. Trying to quick-form the necessary calluses right now. I also simply don't drink enough water. Been trying to rectify that but it's a daily struggle. I have no concerns about finishing the half, and I'm sure I'll be *around* two hours, but making it under is the goal. I already know I can consistently run half of a half (10k) at an 8 minute pace, so it's simply a matter of extending that with minimal time loss.

ah, gotcha. always curious as to the "logistics" of long distance running
Been busy/lazy as fuck the past couple of months.

Deadlifting 200kg feels hard. Overhead pressing 70kg feels hard. Running a mile in under 8mins feels hard.
Beat my 2hr half target, even with a strained foot tendon the whole way. Having to stay off of it now in terms of contact running. Starting to move my lifting reps up now, starting to clean up my eating and water drinking, definitely seeing some quick returns.
Deadlifted 200 pounds for the first time today.
keep this up and you'll be a beast when you're in your mid 20s, trust me. Although the copious amounts of Testosterone I've injected over the years might have had to do with why I turned out the way I did, to be honest...

Either way, it's a good habit to develop when you're at the age you are. While everyone else is getting fatter and balder you'll still be in decent shape, and maybe balder
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im running again too. too damn cold to be outside, but forcing myself to run a mile before I start my workout now. not great endurance still, but mid 6's for a mile after years of no running surprised me
64 pushups and 10-15 pullups

As i said before, im slightly skinny. Most people think i weigh more, one kid thought i was like 150 so maybe i weigh more than i think. My scale is fucked up