How is everyone's training going?

My leg seems to have mostly healed up from the weird injury last fall. I've been able to run for the last month. Got my 3 mile time down to 21:15 as of today. Ideal target would be <20:00.
damn that's a good pace old man. how much you weigh? I havent ran distance since I left the army :lol:

I think 166 last time I stood on the scale. I need to get down to at least 155. I ran a ~43 min 5 mile over the weekend, first time I've run that distance in around two years. I want to get my 3 mile time under 20 mins and I'd like to start training for a half marathon. Main impediment is free time + I get bored running after 3 miles, but definitely after 5. Even if I can sustain my 5 mile pace over 13 miles, that's around 2 hours of just running (and listening to metal).
I think 166 last time I stood on the scale. I need to get down to at least 155. I ran a ~43 min 5 mile over the weekend, first time I've run that distance in around two years. I want to get my 3 mile time under 20 mins and I'd like to start training for a half marathon. Main impediment is free time + I get bored running after 3 miles, but definitely after 5. Even if I can sustain my 5 mile pace over 13 miles, that's around 2 hours of just running (and listening to metal).

yeah running for me is tough without being in formation/having a dick measuring competition at the same time. treadmills, outside of interval sprints, is the bane of my existence.

one of my best was i think 7 miles in 45 minutes. felt like a beast that day. adding 30lbs through lifting has ruined my distance abilities, I wanna slim to 195 though and get back into running this summer.
Ha, go figure this is the next post in this thread. Hadn't tried that distance since, but running a lot of 1.5mi and 3mi and the occasional 5mi. Hitting 9min 1.5mi for a 6min mile pace though and 20min 3mi. Ran my first official race today, clocked in under 47:30 on a 10k (on a hilly, shitty course too, prob could have shaved down to 47 flat on simply a better course [parts of it were a trail run;dodging roots and shit], never mind making it flat). Came in 2nd among males and 3rd overall out of a pool of over 50 runners. 2 mins behind 1st and 1 min behind 2nd.
I just got an actual bench. Before I was using two cinderblocks to support the bar. Probably not the safest.
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Random question, but does anyone else lose weight in Winter and gain in Summer?

I'm always down ~10-15 pounds after the temp drops, but know most folks pack it on in Winter due to all the holiday eating and staying indoors. I'm a year round bum, so the temp doesn't affect physical activity so much, but I'm thinking its my responding more to lower ambient temperatures raising the resting metabolic rate to a much greater degree than increased holiday calorie intake affects it.
Random question, but does anyone else lose weight in Winter and gain in Summer?

I'm always down ~10-15 pounds after the temp drops, but know most folks pack it on in Winter due to all the holiday eating and staying indoors. I'm a year round bum, so the temp doesn't affect physical activity so much, but I'm thinking its my responding more to lower ambient temperatures raising the resting metabolic rate to a much greater degree than increased holiday calorie intake affects it.

Not here.
Doubt it's to do with the temperature unless you're spending a lot of time sat naked outdoors. If, like most people, you respond to it getting colder by turning the heating up to a ridiculous level and wearing fuck loads of clothes then it's almost definitely down to your diet and activity levels, as it is for virtually everyone, regardless of the time of year.
Doubt it's to do with the temperature unless you're spending a lot of time sat naked outdoors. If, like most people, you respond to it getting colder by turning the heating up to a ridiculous level and wearing fuck loads of clothes then it's almost definitely down to your diet and activity levels, as it is for virtually everyone, regardless of the time of year.

Nah, I like being cool and am very uncomfortable and sweaty if it gets over 80* (fuck Atlanta). Typically keep the heat set very low in the winter and would go bankrupt if I set it that low in the summer. So I'm certainly exposed to more cool air during the winter. Totally that dude who gets weird looks for driving with the windows down when it's 40* out.

Edit: thinking about it more, it could be a mild genetic hyperthyroidism since my dad and brother are the same way. Prone to anxiety/irritability, naturally thin, and feeling hot when others are comfortable.
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I’m back into it after being a slack arse for a bit. Sit-ups, push-ups, crunches, cross trainer and a fitness blender HIIT workout and I’m good. All in the comfort of my study. So glad I fucked off my gym membership. Need to get some weights though.
I think I'm mostly fixed after fucking my shoulder and then having sciatica like bullshit. Haven't really benched or pressed since last October or so. Got to 120kg earlier and then did 80x28 for max titty pump. Deaded 160 for 5x5 and that felt easy so. Probably gonna be crippled tomorrow. FUCK THE UNIVERSE.
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I think I'm mostly fixed after fucking my shoulder and then having sciatica like bullshit. Haven't really benched or pressed since last October or so. Got to 120kg earlier and then did 80x28 for max titty pump. Deaded 160 for 5x5 and that felt easy so. Probably gonna be crippled tomorrow. FUCK THE UNIVERSE.

Damn kilos. Too lazy to do the conversion.

Ran a 45:41 10k this morning on what I felt was kind of an off day because I just added deadlifts back into my routine the other day; was still feeling it in my hammies. Good time though.
lost around 50 pounds since January. Eating like 1800 calories a day and lifting/running was brutal at first but you adapt and it becomes the norm. Looking back at pics at 270lbs is embarrassing but fuck it. Found this Whey protein called Musclefeast that is incredible, mixes really well and taste real good without being too sweet. Mix in some kale/spinach and fuck hunger/cravings