How is everyone's training going?

Bodybuilding is definitely on my bucket list, just to see if it helps my game, but I can't imagine committing the time/effort/money into long-term maintenance unless there were a substantial ROI in pussy.
Bought a pair of Hoka running shoes about a month ago and damn are they incredible. Running at 220 is killer on my shins and they just absorb all the impact. On-Cloudflyers are good too, not as much cushion but great for stability. Been losing a couple of pounds a week since January, last summer I hit 270 and I'm just done with that shit; the goal is 200
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Bought me some creatine & glutamine powders yesterday. We'll see if they can improve upon the already nice whey benefits. Incoming water weight I've read, but that's fine. I'm 6'1 180- I think I'll be fine anywhere between 170-200 so long as it leads to muscle definition and a flat belly.

Not really trying for mass bulk in the endgame- my frame/genes probably wouldn't support it even if I wanted to, but starting as scrawny as I am I'm thinking it's better to push bulk first, then definition after?
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i never had the patience to lean bulk - takes too fucking long. better, i think, to do a few months of hypertrophy training and eating like a mother fucker....youll gain some fat, but then do a 4-6 week leaning phase to strip the excess fat and simply expose the existing muscle....

last night:

10x10 bench @ 155 + max pull ups after each round

20 mins max push ups, pull ups, dips

10x 30/30 row @ 150m each round

10 min bike
I just started a new workout schedule.

What I did today:

Deadlift: 40lbs 8x1
Squats: 60lbs 4x4
Deadlift: 80lbs 4x4
Rock lifts

I missed Tuesday's workout, so I did it today, minus the rock lifts, which I do on Thursdays anyways. Keep in mind that I'm using an adjustable dumbbell set, and I only have 80 pounds worth of weights. Also, I am 5'4 and 105 pounds, and I can deadlift way more than 80 on a barbell, which I do not have.

What does everyone here curl? I normally do 30 pound dumbbells on Monday, and 20s for higher reps on Friday. I curled a 40 pound dumbbell once, and my arm was sore all weekend.
Bought me some creatine & glutamine powders yesterday. We'll see if they can improve upon the already nice whey benefits. Incoming water weight I've read, but that's fine. I'm 6'1 180- I think I'll be fine anywhere between 170-200 so long as it leads to muscle definition and a flat belly.

Not really trying for mass bulk in the endgame- my frame/genes probably wouldn't support it even if I wanted to, but starting as scrawny as I am I'm thinking it's better to push bulk first, then definition after?

I'm of a similar build, though shorter. It is suggested that ectomorphs like us try to lift heavier for lower reps, and not worry about definition.
Beer gut is almost gone. Hurrah

I have a pseudo-six pack going on. I rarely work abs, and even when I've obligated myself to do so, I always end up forgetting, or "forgetting", and I eat a very unhealthy diet. Pushups work wonders on abs, though. Forget leg raises and situps.
Just been doing whatever lately. Might make up a program for April and May. Just worked up to 200 deadlift, 4x10 75 barbell rows and 4x15 chins.

I just started a new workout schedule.

What I did today:

Deadlift: 40lbs 8x1
Squats: 60lbs 4x4
Deadlift: 80lbs 4x4
Rock lifts

I missed Tuesday's workout, so I did it today, minus the rock lifts, which I do on Thursdays anyways. Keep in mind that I'm using an adjustable dumbbell set, and I only have 80 pounds worth of weights. Also, I am 5'4 and 105 pounds, and I can deadlift way more than 80 on a barbell, which I do not have.

What does everyone here curl? I normally do 30 pound dumbbells on Monday, and 20s for higher reps on Friday. I curled a 40 pound dumbbell once, and my arm was sore all weekend.

Bruhhhh. At this weight you need to worry about high rep numbers and 4-5 sets. You need to build the foundational muscles and proper form. This 4x4 shit with 80 lbs is crazy talk

Also never curl. Shit is a waste of proper gym time.
I have a pseudo-six pack going on. I rarely work abs, and even when I've obligated myself to do so, I always end up forgetting, or "forgetting", and I eat a very unhealthy diet. Pushups work wonders on abs, though. Forget leg raises and situps.
Man you're 15 or something. I had abs when I was 15 and I never exercised and ate as much sugar as possible. Get back to me after 20 years of alcohol abuse.
Bruhhhh. At this weight you need to worry about high rep numbers and 4-5 sets. You need to build the foundational muscles and proper form. This 4x4 shit with 80 lbs is crazy talk

Also never curl. Shit is a waste of proper gym time.

You are right for the lower body stuff. At my weight, I should be deadlifting at least 130 4x4, preferably something closer to 150. I don't want to overwork my back with too many reps, I have mild scoliosis anyways.

As for curling, you are partially right, it's a very small movement, and bigger movements tend to be more beneficial to the entire body. Deadlifts, rows, and front raises work biceps. I've been getting much better visual results since I started doing bigger shoulder movements (military press). The lesser exercises are more for fine tuning, to get all of the muscles at a good ratio.

Man you're 15 or something. I had abs when I was 15 and I never exercised and ate as much sugar as possible. Get back to me after 20 years of alcohol abuse.

I don't plan to drink heavily. Maybe the key word there is "plan", but I don't want to be some bacchanalian like all of these idiots who go to bars and get drunk as cunts, pick up random girls, then crash their car on the way home.
How are you 15 years old and giving out advice?

Also why are you working out. Shit is bad for you. Do push-ups and sit-ups and enjoy your life
Visible abs are down to body fat levels.

Push ups are not a better exercise for your abs than leg raises unless you're doing them with a massive load (YEAH) on your back.

Curling isn't a waste of time if, like most people that work out, you want big arms.

Deadlifts and front raises do piss all for biceps. Rows, depending on what type your doing, can be better but the only 'back' exercises that come near to being as good as curls for biceps are chin ups/pull ups. Unless you can do these for higher reps you're probably still going to get more from doing various forms of curl.

Lifting is good for pretty much everyone, especially those that don't move heavy things about in their every day lives (i.e. most people in developed countries). The older you get, the more beneficial it is. And anyway, it's fun and makes you look better.
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Visible abs are down to body fat levels.

Push ups are not a better exercise for your abs than leg raises unless you're doing them with a massive load (YEAH) on your back.

Curling isn't a waste of time if, like most people that work out, you want big arms.

Deadlifts and front raises do piss all for biceps. Rows, depending on what type your doing, can be better but the only 'back' exercises that come near to being as good as curls for biceps are chin ups/pull ups. Unless you can do these for higher reps you're probably still going to get more from doing various forms of curl.

Lifting is good for pretty much everyone, especially those that don't move heavy things about in their every day lives (i.e. most people in developed countries). The older you get, the more beneficial it is. And anyway, it's fun and makes you look better.

I'm curling 30s and I have decent sized biceps, though they don't have the fullness I would like to have. My bigger area of deficiency is my triceps. They are the most visible and important arm muscle anyways. It would be interesting to see what someone who only did deadlifts, military press, and squats would look like. Probably decent size and definition all around.

Lifting isn't good for those under 15, as they are still growing at a rapid rate. I'm 16, and my growth rate has slowed enough to where lifting won't cause any deformations. There have actually been studies that have shown that those who do physical labor end up keeping more consistent testosterone levels throughout later adulthood. That's probably why Glenn Danzig looks like he is in his mid 40s when he's actually 60.
Not really sure what you mean by 'fullness' but if you're just doing curls with your hands supinated then it'd be worth doing some shit with a neutral grip (e.g. hammer curls) as that uses more of the brachialis. If you can't go to a gym/afford a bench and that then get two chairs and do fuck loads of dips between them. If you can do sets of 50+ then your triceps shouldn't be too small.

Lifting doesn't stunt your growth and it'll only cause 'deformations' if you're doing something weird like focusing solely on one side of your body. It shouldn't be 'necessary' for kids to do it, because they should be really active anyway, but most kids these days, at least in developed countries, aren't. So, for them, lifting is better than not lifting.

Someone that did only those three would probably have a big ass, big quads, decent triceps, decent back and decent shoulders. They'd look better than your average person, which isn't especially hard, and better than someone that just benched/curled. Would probably want to add in rows or at least fuckloads of face pulls. Deads aren't gonna be enough to address the overemphasis on pushing relative to pulling.
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