How is everyone's training going?

I've been getting Gatorade protein bars lately for that sort of thing. One of the few protein bars that don't taste like ass and can still be had quite cheaply by the box at Walmart. With the end of my pt job in site, starting running again. I had put my training on hold with the amount of time on my feet I had, not wanting to have an injury one way or the other. Did a good job of maintaining weight but not losing any. Trying to get in the groove by the time school starts so I can get serious.
Dak those gatorade bars have a shitload of sugars, id recommend swapping to Clif Bars if thats your thing. I do these fancy vegan/kosher/gay fig bars from natures bakery now and theyre quite delicious
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Dak those gatorade bars have a shitload of sugars, id recommend swapping to Clif Bars if thats your thing. I do these fancy vegan/kosher/gay fig bars from natures bakery now and theyre quite delicious

29g vs 21g. Not that big of a difference, and the Clif bars taste like ass. If I want straight protein I use a shake, but I use the Gatorade bars as straight up meal replacement. When you're hustlin in the heat at work like I am, less sugar than a can of soda isn't that big a deal.

Ew figs :p
@rms So you're doing a vegan thing?

I've been sorta doing that for a while now, I'm not vegan but I'd say I stick to a mostly plant based diet - mainly fruit tho cause I don't like veg as much (cucumber is amazing with dip tho) but recently I'll add like Spirulina powder/flax seeds and a bunch of other green stuff to smoothies. I feel like.. idk, really sharp and alert more since doing all this.

I went full fruitarian for a few months just to see if that shit really worked after finding the 'sweet natural living' channel, added one of those dudes to skype and dropped SO MUCH weight and all I was doing was like cycling around parks daily, weightloss was the point for me tbh but now I wanna cycle up an 8,415 ft mountain as you do haha

I need to train more but my bikes so shit, I wanted a Giant but the model I wanted was in america and Giant UK are all LOL NO SORRY. ¬_¬

I liked that lifestyle tho because no cooking ever - but problem was I needed more carbs for energy cause I couldn't cycle up big climbs enough so I added like more pasta/potatoes etc, started having like banana sandwiches on whole wheat vegan bread too.

Who knew making yer own bread was actually fun tho lol.
Weightlosses from completely/nearly restricting fat and protein from your diet(ie a fruit diet) are incredibly unhealthy, and probably the most likely to create a yoyo effect.
Weightlosses from completely/nearly restricting fat and protein from your diet(ie a fruit diet) are incredibly unhealthy, and probably the most likely to create a yoyo effect.

A yoyo effect? lol
I've had no problems so far, only good results, obviously the carbs but, nothing specifically with fruitarian stuff.
I said most likely. Not "Absolutamentally". I did a pseudo Atkins diet like a year ago which has been charged with a yoyo issue but it works for me maybe better than most. I also felt really great rather dragging like many people claim to during the diet.
I was actually asking wtf you meant by yoyo effect hahaha

I'm not on any diets after losing my chub belly on the fruitarian thing ages ago, tbh I actually went to it with a "find something so I don't have to cook all the time" mentality

I've been eating mainly plant based for about 2-3 years tho and mostly have fruit smoothies but I don't like strictly check labels because fuck that. I don't trust any other stuff now because I'm lean doing this so I'll stay doing this, s'all good, never had problems and doctor said my blood tests were fine, bonus is my armpits smell like tropical juice and it keeps making me laugh xD
A yoyo effect is where you diet and lose a bunch of weight, only to regain it right back once off the diet, leading you to diet again, and then regain. Repeat ad infinitum.


How are people even going back to the stuff that makes you feel like shit? Unless it's not the same cause I had McDonalds with a friend a while ago, tasted nice but a few hours later felt like total shit and needed to lay down, someone did tell me junk food might make me get sick doing the plant based foods only thing tho so maybe thats it, I don't even drink beer anymore, rum/vodka/tequila seems to be ok tho
I've been getting back into running over the last couple of months. Mostly 5km on the beach when I'm at home and on sandy tracks when I'm away at work. A bit hard to get started as it's winter here at the moment, but once you get going there's nothing like it. Looking at buying a kayak or surf ski next to get the upper body going.
I'm home all the time now with little to do with my free time. I've been actually doing yoga through YouTube videos. All the strength/muscle I've built by standing on my feet all day and working 17 hour days feels like it's all going away since the most excercise I get is walking up the stairs to my room. Ugh. It's too hot to be outside trying to work out though.
I want to be running regularly but the humidity this year is unbearable. I already have to be in it for work, and even an extra 20 mins for a quick run is too much most days.