How is everyone's training going?

Checked my 3 mile time today even though I just worked practically a full shift and it was below 40 degrees and windy: 21:15.

I'm back on at least 3 decent workouts a week, only drinking alcohol on Fri/Sat/Sun, limiting food portions and cutting out carbs with dinner. About 4 weeks in now and feel stronger and better physically but no weight loss so far. I'm sitting here drinking water and feeling hungry. Stupid life.
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I'm about 5'9 and 150 which isn't technically 'fat' but I'm seeing the cellulite lately. Squats every goddamn night now goddammit. Total bullshit that I should have cellulite when I work out for two-three hours three days a week in a hot factory cleaning. On top of spending a lot of my weekends discing. Fucking unfair.
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Hitting that age where its noticeable how much harder i have to push to lose weight in short bursts. Going to have to nail down this consistency thing, gerddammit.
Yeah Ive dealt with both tennis and golf elbow. Sucks.
I've had it on and off ever since I did warehouse work on conveyor belts years ago. That and sciatica. The sciatica has eased right off with proper stretching but the fucking tennis elbow flares up every time I do any pull ups, pull downs or row machine stuff and I have no idea what the hell to do about it. Googling just tells me not to move my arms much until it goes away. Great.
Stretching and light workouts worked best for me. If an initial period of rest doesn't work or is not possible, that's the next best thing.

Edit: This kind of thing

You can find some youtube videos on the stretching/exercises too. I bought an "wrist/forearm blaster" and use that + stretches. Supposedly tennis/golf elbow occurs, when not due to overuse/repetitive injury, due to an imbalance between upper and lower arm strength. Usually the forearm is underdeveloped in relation to the bis/tris.
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Cheers for that. Yeah I do the first couple of stretches mentioned, but probably not enough. Will use that guide and see how I go. Also got some anti-inflammatories to take which help a bit. My forearms are probably more devloped than my upper arms if anything. I did 5 solid years working at that warehouse because the money was good and I think I'll be paying for it forever.
I find it amazing just how many people are conned into buying protein powders, 'meal' drinks, energy drinks and all that other crap.

Coffee > energy drinks. And as someone that doesn't eat I find it piss easy to get adequate protein (I weigh 84kg I usually get about 140-150g a day) from food alone.

Works been pretty tuff the past few weeks so I've been doing more faggy 'bodybuilder' shit and less heavy lifting. Did 3x5x170kg deads and 3x5x100kg bench plus a load of pull ups yesterday. Shoulders are feeling good today so gonna go for 3x5x60kg overhead and then a load of triceps and rows. Then I'll have a wank.
Couple of condescending cunts, we know, we get it, you're not telling anyone anything they don't know. It's a meal replacement for when you're on the run. So instead of grabbing two slices of pizza cause I'm in a hurry and there's nothing else around I'll drink that and feel way better.