How is everyone's training going?

Yup. Trying to lose 30 pounds in time for the wedding (a year away). I've lost eight pounds in the last month mostly through diet and hitting the gym three times a week. I've flipped my meals. I eat a really big breakfast, moderate lunch, and a small dinner. It makes sense to me because you need more calories at the beginning of the day to get you going; a moderate amount to hold you over; and a little at the end. Sample...


Scramble consisting of 1 whole egg and 1/3 - 1/2 cup of egg whites, with some shredded turkey breast
Yogurt or cottage cheese
Slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter

Snack: Epic Chicken w/ Sriracha protein bar

Roasted chicken
Frozen veggies
(maybe rice)

Snack: banana

Salad with tomatoes, cucumber and chicken strips

I've also cut WAY back on beer and have instead switched to sparkling water. It satisfies both the cold beverage quality and fizzy factor

A what protien bar?
A what protien bar?

Epic protein bars are made with meat rather than a bunch of random shit. It's basically like eating jerky. They have a lamb, bison, beef, turkey, and chicken protein in various flavors. They're pretty good. The chicken with sriracha is the best though
Was hella sunny outside so went out to read and ended up doing squats in between each page/page and a half. Ended up doing (I think) 3 warm up sets, then 10 sets of 5 and two sets of 8 front squats.

Figured I may as well 'overtrain' a bit before Thursday as I'll be off for a week and last week was fairly easy.

My ass is burning.
Those sound crazy!
So far training is going well. Keeping focused on cardio and lifting. As far as lifting I have just been doing low weight high reps.
But I am down 6 pounds and I think I'll probably push harder this week to lose a few more.
Tried this drill out as a supplement to my other stuff, did the alternating leg sideways thing on the 2nd/4th leg (not sure what it's called). Man it's a burner.

I've had a few horrible sessions lately (horrible as in ass-kicking).

Today, in about 30 mins, I'm looking forward to:

3x5 squats
3x5 Goblet squats
2x1-6 push up ladder
W2H Power Clean
4x4 @80%
10x Power Clean @50%
8 Weighted Ring pull ups
7 Parallette push ups

3 rounds

10x KB clean + 1 min single arm swing
3 rounds
10/20 Assault Bike intervals
10 rounds
Cool down with 20 mins Assault Bike @ Easy Pace
Alright so I weighed in this morning and I'm still just down 6 pounds! However I did go to target and ended up in the fitting room, which led to me crying! Ew those mirrors are disgusting. Or maybe I am. :/
Either way it's inspired me to not eat much at all.
You can cut too many calories and sabotage your metabolism. Better to eat just under the normal RDA via protein/fat/veggies and burn a ton of calories above the normal meta rate.
Nicole stop you're a total babe with some seriously amazing skin. It's gonna happen just gotta take it one day at a time. And maybe it takes awhile for the weight to show up on the scale especially if you're lifting and toning.
Ok so down 1 size and 10 pounds! Might be a lot of water weight but whatever. This wedding is really motivating me!! Woo hooooo!!
My friend and I are starting a boot camp thing next week should be hilarious. Meanwhile I want pizza bad:(
I'm pretty uninspired training-wise. Just doing the minimum to feel ok about myself and not gain much weight. I can low bar barbell squat 15 lbs more than my bodyweight which is pretty cool.

I need new running shoes and I sprain my ankle like once a month.
I've been away a lot the past 2/3 weeks so lifting has been rather sporadic. Gonna start one of Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 variations (doesn't really look much like 5/3/1 to me) next Monday.

Even at 45% I imagine the 20 rep squats will be hell.

Seems appropriate given that his band has just recorded their first EP.

Demo recording sounds promising.

I'm pretty uninspired training-wise. Just doing the minimum to feel ok about myself and not gain much weight. I can low bar barbell squat 15 lbs more than my bodyweight which is pretty cool.

You could make 1.5 times your bodyweight a goal. Gives you something to aim for and shouldn't take very long.
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I did that boot camp thing and I am more sore today than ever have been. 80 days until the wedding and I feel like I need to progress faster than I am. I mean there are a million diets and workout plans. I guess to lose 1 pound you have to burn like 3,500 calories which is nuts right?
Yea the 5x25 is a great power endurance session. I've been training PE a lot lately, specifically with air dyne and row work mixed with high volume weights. Usually in the form of an IWT variation. Tomorrow I'll do an IWT, which should be awesome. I wish my gym had a ski erg...

What are you planning on for tomorrow?
Trying to lose weight again. This time want to go from 163 to possibly 150. Bought some new 5 Toes since my first pair were finally starting to come apart. Already pushed from 1 mile back up to the 2 I had been running in the late summer and now hit 3 miles, all in about 3 weeks. Prob could go a lot further but blisters. I can only add .2-.4 miles per run because of the damn things.