How is everyone's training going?

Seeing progress lately. Did a 4x4 bench @ 225#, which is quite good for me. DL and squats coming nicely too though I have to be careful because of my back.

Last night:

DL: 10x 50%, 3x5@ 70, 1x3@ 80, 1x2@90
OHP: same
Squat: 4x5@50 (ish)

Then: 500m ski for time (must hit at least 1:33 pace, if not, must redo. (pace=132.7)
I've been getting Gatorade protein bars lately for that sort of thing. One of the few protein bars that don't taste like ass and can still be had quite cheaply by the box at Walmart. With the end of my pt job in site, starting running again. I had put my training on hold with the amount of time on my feet I had, not wanting to have an injury one way or the other. Did a good job of maintaining weight but not losing any. Trying to get in the groove by the time school starts so I can get serious.

Fuck dude those things literally burned my tongue when I ate much sugar!!
Thinking of ditching my gym membership and buying some weights and a cross trainer for the spare room. Anyone know if these cross trainer/exercise bike all-in-one things are any good?

Edit: Never mind. They all look like rubbish.
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It's expensive as fuck but the Stairmaster Airfit is arguably the best conditioning tool you'll ever find. Nothing beats it for power end/end stuff...not the row or the ski IMO. If you bought one of those along with some kettle bells and maybe some rings you could potentially do quite a bit of work, but you'd eventually end up getting a rack.
Yeah I'm not up for blowing heaps of cash but cheers for the recommendation.

At this point I'm looking and a second-hand bike and seperate cross trainer, both off the same seller and cheap.
Cheap squat/bench stand, something to do pull ups from (e.g. a tree), olympic bar (obviously), sprints (up hills if possible).

Been liftin' for a year and 8 months so far. I'm at about 183 lbs right now, the heaviest I've ever been. Accounting for fat gain and water weight from taking creatine, I've probably gained 16 - 18 lbs of lean mass. Maybe could've done better but I partied too much and would neglect lifting for weeks at a time due to shitty life events. Anyway, it still made a big difference for me because I'm not tall (5' 9.5"). People I haven't seen for like a year say I don't look like the same person. Also, I'm a lot stronger. Also, broads will definitely take more notice of you if you lift for a while. It's definitely worth the effort you put into it. A lot better than jogging around like a twink.
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fake recovery

I don't know what the hell you mean by this. I don't take creatine for recovery. Who does?

and pseudo impressions of actual muscles aside

I don't take it for that, either.

it's just a waste of money

Except for the modest strength increase I get from it, which I find well worth my money. I spend under $20 for something that lasts me around 6+ months at the dosage I take. Not a big hit to my wallet.
oh fuck I've been put on a mass gain/strength 8 week phase and it's fucking awesome, but damn hard to eat all these calories. im aiming for 5k+/day but it's nearly impossible to get that with clean food. lots of smash burger and pizza to go along with my steak and veggies.


3x5 wall squat
2x20 squat
3x5 goblet squat
2x 10m lunge forward/backward

work to heavyish dead lift, then:
4x4 @ 275
1x4 @ 305
1x4@ 325


20-1 reverse lunge ladder @ 32kg KB (10/leg, 9, 8 etc) + 10 RDL off wall after each round


10 min row @ 2600m (1:55-ish pace, was easy)


3x50 curl ups

cool down with 10 min airfit
Started taking whey powder. (Body Fortress vanilla flavor- tastes good too) I'm seeing some pretty strong results especially in the biceps and back muscles after only 2 weeks. It also seems to be helping with the minor bit of gut I have too. Maybe that's the trick for thin frame/higher metabolism guys. Mass protein.

Seems like a good positive feedback loop too, in that seeing/feeling results makes it easier to stay committed to the routine...