How is everyone's training going?

lost around 50 pounds since January. Eating like 1800 calories a day and lifting/running was brutal at first but you adapt and it becomes the norm. Looking back at pics at 270lbs is embarrassing but fuck it. Found this Whey protein called Musclefeast that is incredible, mixes really well and taste real good without being too sweet. Mix in some kale/spinach and fuck hunger/cravings

That's a pretty insane weight loss pace. I obviously was working with overall lower weight/smaller frame but it took me slightly longer to lose 40lbs with a more restrictive eating schedule 2+ years ago. I agree that it does become kind of a "norm" in terms of energy, especially if you're eating quality.
Not doing a program anymore. I just lift whenever I can. Generally thats every other day, unless I get sore or I have to move furniture around or some shit like I did today.
That's a pretty insane weight loss pace. I obviously was working with overall lower weight/smaller frame but it took me slightly longer to lose 40lbs with a more restrictive eating schedule 2+ years ago. I agree that it does become kind of a "norm" in terms of energy, especially if you're eating quality.

I was essentially taking in 3000 calories or more a day to maintain and cut that down to about 1500 (some days less). What really pushed me to do it was my umbilical hernia, it doesn't hurt as much anymore but I know I'll need surgery on it some day so yay that'll be fun.

you a runner @Dak ? I know you are or were a military guy so you must know whats up. I can't get under a 10 min mile man. been doing about 3 miles a day but 15 minutes in my legs are just fuckin' garbage (wobbly and tired) I probably need carbs
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definitely carb up man. pasta, bread are complete winners for a run. you'd be surprised at how easy a 9 min mile is, army calls it the airborne shuffle.

keep it up man, I went from a 8:30-9min mile when I joined to my best of like around 7 minutes for 6-8 miles straight. runners high is legit
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I was essentially taking in 3000 calories or more a day to maintain and cut that down to about 1500 (some days less). What really pushed me to do it was my umbilical hernia, it doesn't hurt as much anymore but I know I'll need surgery on it some day so yay that'll be fun.

you a runner @Dak ? I know you are or were a military guy so you must know whats up. I can't get under a 10 min mile man. been doing about 3 miles a day but 15 minutes in my legs are just fuckin' garbage (wobbly and tired) I probably need carbs

Yeah, with your calorie cutbacks probably contribute to the tiredness, but not your pace problems. I know someone who runs a lot/long distance but has a 10minish pace, and when I see them run it's like they are moving their body as much as I am, but covering little ground for the effort in comparison. Improving your pace comes from three options to my knowledge: Faster leg movement, longer stride, and stronger pushoff. In my experience there's a downside to a longer stride in it having somewhat of a braking effect. I'm guessing you could get the most immediate gains by making sure you're covering more ground with each step, so a stronger pushoff.

Since the spring semester ended I've really upped my mileage, and for distance (which to me is 5+mi) I manage around a 7:20-30mi pace. I've run around 70 miles in the last 3 weeks.
Ugh yea running on a deficit sucks. I'm down to 213 now but I know my body fat is around 18 - 22%. These last 20 - 25 pounds are going to be brutal, it's gonna come down to cardio and doubling my miles.

You guys ever listen to David Goggins? the guy is fuckin nuts but he can motivate the shit out of you

thx for the advise fellas ;)
Training for a half marathon and also starting on MAF/HR Green Zone training. I've slowed my runs down to keep my HR at 146 (or slightly lower) and way upped my distance per run. Ran (more of a yog) 11 miles today, 32 total including that in the last 7 days.
I am incredibly lazy. I got a gym membership finally, and I'll walk to the gym (which is.... like a long ass walk), mess around with the bicycle machine, treadmill, and then go home. I honestly would like to lift weights or something. I watched videos on how to on Youtube, but that area is always fucking crowded. heh
intermittent fasting and biking.
been doing it for 3 weeks. lost 5 lbs. Feel much better. Never sluggish.
Sometimes on the weekends I can go nuts with food. This weekend I was a lot better.
intermittent fasting and biking.
been doing it for 3 weeks. lost 5 lbs. Feel much better. Never sluggish.
Sometimes on the weekends I can go nuts with food. This weekend I was a lot better.

Yeah, my calorie consumption (as opposed to the sources of calories) isn't as disciplined as my exercise routine. The military requires I keep below a certain weight and that seems to be the only thing that provides adequate motivation to stick to that point. I can't seem to consistently drop to a lower weight.
I started off going from 9am - 6pm for 15/9 which is good.
But I decided to go till 10am - 6pm. It was still easy.
All last week I went from 12pm to 6pm.
the only thing that sucks is waiting till noon for my first cup of coffee.
If this is what it takes for my metabolism to be "normal" then I'm going to keep doing it.
See how it is in a couple months
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Been doing pushups/reverse situps/stretches the past 6 weeks or so and casually fucking around with 20lb dumbbells and been getting way better results than using the big Gold's Gym in the basement + creatine/whey powder in the prior year. I'm 6'1 and capped out at 180 and think I'll just focus more on my body's natural inclinations than bother trying to bulk up.

Something close to this dude probably:

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Only skimmed the video but didn't look like he did actual pull ups/chin ups (and he still looks kinda narrow given how skinny he is, so I'm guessing he didn't give them anywhere near the focus he gave push up variations)? Definitely get on that shit. Best bodyweight exercise. One of the best exercises generally.
Ran my first half marathon today. Not an official event, just out this morning with my Garmin GPS going. Not a time I'm happy with (2:26) but between 100% humidity and off and on rain I figure it will only get better. Was also try to stay in the Green HR zone, but gave up on the last 2 miles of it.
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