How is Tool live in concert?

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
I might be going to see them in August and(obviously)I've never seen them in concert before so I want to know what to expect.Does Maynard dress in women's clothing or make-up or something because I've seen pictures of him in magazines like that.And are the mosh pits brutal?Baltimore's mosh pits are ususally pretty good-people don't get injured,if someone falls then the others help him back up,stuff like that.But I want to know what knid of mosh pits Tool concerts have,And anything else good about their shows.
well my friends that like tool thought they were good. personaly i think they fucking suck and i dont understand what anyone sees in them.
They are fucked...
waste of money....
DRUGGIE drug fucks...that have a drug tone to their records big deal...
who doesn't...
maybe soomeone will shot them, and waste the band, that would be excellent ,lots of blood and shit...
Saw them during OzzFest a few years back...awesome. Maynard is odd to say the least. He was painted half white, half gray over his entire body. Great set too...lots of Undertow.

Tool is a fantastic live band. If you enjoy their albums, prepare to be completely entranced by their show.

The absence of stage antics and the usual ridiculous movements of many of today's groups makes for a unique concert experience with Tool.

Not to mention the light shows and half-human contortionists which are present as well.
Wow,sounds fun.I guess if I do go,it'll be an interesting spectecle.And,while Tool isn't one of my top favorite bands and I'm not totally into their music,it's a rare occurence for any tour to stop in Maryland so I might as well sieze the opportunity and do something to make my summer memorable.
Tool's live show is like one 2 and a half hour long trance.
It's excellent. Great sets. If you don't do drugs and yo udon't dig the band so much, you may not have AS good atime as some of the other fans, but its still worth every penny. What I mean is there are some slower more boring songs that they DRAW OUT and it seems like forever, but if your on drugs or your huge into the band you'll love it. When I saw them, I was a pretty big fan(bigger now) and I thought it was fucking amazing, except the aforementioned stuff. The pits aren't too brutal at all. While I wasn't in any, or even the floor, I could see it all perfectly, and it got moving during heavy spots like The Grudge(opener song, so more madness automatically entailed), and Aenema. But the their are LOTS of stoned people, kind of pathetic really. There were actually people sitting down in circles on the floor during the show. I say its a waste of floor seats I was too late(by like 3minutes) to get.
SO, in conclusion, they are perfect live, the more you like em, the more your going to like the WHOLE show. If you don't like em so much, you'll still love it, but it won't be as much a Godly experience as it would be for stoners and Tool freaks.
i saw them fall of last year and they were fuckin' great. Tight as hell live, and maynard's voice is flawless. My only problem with the show was that maynard never showed himself. He stood in the background in the shadows and did speeches and shit from there. Still a great show tthough, hopefullly better this time around. I'm seein' them in chicago in august, 16th Row!!! fuck yeah. and mosh pits aren't bad, there's only a few songs that are heavy enough and long enough to mosh to anyway. They did some crazy shit thoguh, human contortionist hanging from the ceilings upsidedown and shit. Anyway, i suggest you go, great shit.
Tool is an intriguing band, mainstream or not. Each instrument is almost like a rhythm in itself that blends together with each other instrument to make this whole intense trip of a vibe...
TOOL is a band I fully support. Anyone who has taken the time to listen to them in the proper light *if you know what I mean* (Third Eye highly reccomended!;)) would acknowledge a very deep philosophy behind the band that can actually closely remsemble Nevermore in many aspects. I especially was impressed with their use of a short Timothy Leary spoken word piece to open the disc that came along with their box set.... and think of all the kids out there who bought that. fantastic! And you gotta love the Bill Hicks tributes....
While I'm not a big fan of Tool now,I suppose if I go I will start liking Tool more if I see them live in concert.The same thing happened with Staind who was the first hard rock band I'd ever seen in concert.And I saw them even after I got totally sick of songs like "It's Been A While" and "Outside" and it really changed the way I looked at those songs...then of course,after a while,I just went back to hating those songs and hating them even more.
But I still think I will go to see Tool.
Break the Cycle is a horrendous cd and it gets massive amounts of play on MTV,VH1 and mainstream rock radio(of course that's the only type of radio station there is in Maryland).Their new songs are so overplayed that it makes me sick.I don't think that it's Staind's fault that their new music sucks.It's Fred Durst's fault and the new stuff is just so soft and wimpy and winy that MTV gobbled it right up to show how much they love "emo-rock".But Staind's Dysfunction cd is way better,a lot harder and more aggressive.And they were the first hard rock band that I saw in concert,so I'll always remember them for that.