How long until new album is all over net, and ?????'s about label


It's only a matter of time before this album leaks all over the 'net. Anyone remember The World Needs A Hero??? We all had that record downloaded months before it came out. Personally, I don't see this as a bad thing, because we all will buying it when it does out. And secondly in my rant: what kind of promotion does this band expect to get, when the label that will be putting it the album out is a label that they've made no secrets of wanting to get away from. This is all a huge mess IMO.
They want to, but they are stuck with this one, probably due to contractual obligations, as they had almost signed a deal with Sanctuary, but their current label messed up that potential deal.

Yeah, I don't expect much label support, and as a result, it will be a long wait before Anthrax tops the charts :lol:
Originally posted by TD
It's only a matter of time before this album leaks all over the 'net. Anyone remember The World Needs A Hero??? We all had that record downloaded months before it came out. Personally, I don't see this as a bad thing, because we all will buying it when it does out.
The Offspring wanted to release their last album on Napster before it was released, but their record company wouldn't let them. I agree it wouldn't stop many of us from buying the album when it was actually released, but I'm sure their label, as shitty as they are going to be at promoting Anthrax, certainly won't agree to it.

However, if somebody did get their hands on an early copy (*cough* *cough* Brent) and accidently went onto Kazaa for a couple hours, a few people around here might have some excitement aded to their otherwise routine days... :)
Man, fuck all this bullshit!!! I'm just gonna go into hibernation like a damn bear and hopefully when I come out I can walk into my local record store and pick up a copy.
all i know is this:
the label the Stomp 442 and SOWN re-releases are on is the label both the new live album and We've Come for You All! will be on.
This was taken from the interview w/ Bush from Hardradio's site:

Shockwaves: So how are things?
John Bush: Things are pretty good. Just trying to finish this Anthrax record that's taking forever. It's just been a long, drawn out process but we're at the final end of it.

SW: Is there a release date yet?
JB: No, not yet. We're still in a bunch of bullshit with the legal and business dealings that we have, which have been a nightmare. We're close to wrapping it up I hope, but the record itself is done. We just don't know when the release will happen because we don't know exactly what label it's going to be on.

SW: So you're still trying to get out of Beyond?
JB: Yes we are.

SW: Do you have any other possible takers?
JB: Well, there's a couple. We're shopping the album as we speak, but I don't want to say anything yet because I don't want to jinx it. We've had such bad karma over the last couple of years that I'm pretty gun shy when it comes to anything regarding Anthrax.
This is my favorite band, but we'll be lucky to see this album and tour go over any better than Vol. 8. I'll be surprised if the WCFYA tour is still going on within 6months of the albums release. Although it will be a pleasant surprise if things do go well.
Originally posted by Jono
it's deffinately a "hope for the best, expect the worst" situation.
I wish I had a billion dollars I would start a label and buy ANthrax and just manage them. I mean after all I would have a billion dollars.
I can give you a million to start with!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Evil Doctor X
I thought they had given up on the live album....?

nope. but they put it on hold till after We've come for you all (i'm guessing). it will be released eventually.
Originally posted by TD
This is my favorite band, but we'll be lucky to see this album and tour go over any better than Vol. 8. I'll be surprised if the WCFYA tour is still going on within 6months of the albums release. Although it will be a pleasant surprise if things do go well.

I'm afraid that's true. Or worse. I expect new album is gonna be even better than Vol.8 & gonna sell even worse. Sad but true.
....but I also don't think it'll do well, no matter how good it is.
We're talking about ANTHRAX, this is their destiny. The greatest metal band that never was. They have inherited the throne once
sat upon by METALLICA, legions of fans - yet no financial sucsess.
I'll buy the record, and say "FUCK YOU!" to those who don't.

That's all I can do, and spread the word like a motherfucker....