How long until new album is all over net, and ?????'s about label

Actually Nuclear Blast (Anthrax's label in Europe) told the guys in Darkane (swedish band signed to the label) that if "your new album doesn't leak onto Napster we'll put it there ourselves". Apparently, the Napster boom greatly increased their sales, so they seem all for Internet MP3 trading.

I' m personally against it, becasue MP3s suck in terms of quality, and doesn't present the music at it's best state.
It won't be leaked. I'm sure it'll be all over the planet when it's out though for download. I myself don't even know about the label. I've heard things but nothing definite. The big thing is distribution so YOU THE FANS can get a damn copy. Hello Volume 8! I'd like to have good promotion in a chain like MediaPlay or Best Buy too. Screw all the Wal-Marts and what not. It's not like the band makes that much money off the CDs anyway. The big thing is for the album to be heard then get on a good tour in good venues. Then the Anthrax wrecking ball can get smashing again.

The album will be worth buying for the graphics alone. I'm Art Directing, the cover rules and each song is getting its own illustration on the inside. Each one more brutal than the next. I've got some stuff that would make Marilyn Manson wince. Seriously. I'm approaching like I'm insane and writing a ransom note. Might be a stretch, at least the ransom note part. I hope the label doesn't shoot it down as being too offensive. We're Anthrax, we're supposed to be offensive. We'll see and soon!
mmmmm artwork by alex ross, thats dudes work is amazing......can't wait to see what he has done esp as its a pic for every song on the album.........superb, surely the art for superhero has to be amazing, its alex ross' speciality !! :)

still 4 months to go beforei can buy this thing, its just too too long...i want " what doesn't die " playing on loop for all time ;)
volume 8 sold bout 90 thousand or so,if anthrax get lucky with a couple of good tours on there home soil i can't see why they cant get 100 to 150 thousand,front page or back page ads in major metal mags,m edge,hit parader,circus wouldnt go a stray either.

ps arent pantera going on the road again before they get back in the studio

the timing could be perfect???