How many albums do you buy per week?


Mar 9, 2010
Albany, NY
I am pretty obsessed with finding unknown prog bands on and buying their album. Most of them are under 10 dollars! It's hard to keep myself from spending too much! So do any of you buy a lot of albums per week? I'd say on average I buy at least 2 per week.
Between Amazon and some really great used record stores in the area, I'll have spurts where I end up with 10-15 in a week and sometimes I'll go a couple weeks with buying anything. Unless there are crazy deals or something, I like to avoid buying music too fast for me to listen to it.
something like 0.1-0.25.

Currently haven't bought a single album in 5 months but that's mainly because of the army.
I do not buy many albums. I get my music by having people send me albums. If I really dig a band enough I'll buy their album, or if nobody I know has it.
The last cd I bought was Kamelot's "Poetry for the Poisoned". That was in September, at ProgPower. Before that, I'm pretty sure I downloaded Mastodon's "Crack the Skye" to my Droid for like $10 so I had that to listen to when I don't have my ipod. This was in about August or so.

Oh wait, no. I actually bought like 15 cd's when I went to ProgPower too.