How many CD's do you usually buy per month?

the_satanic_rabbit said:
Usually none, but just recently I bought like 4 CD's!
2 Holdsworth and 2 MacAlpine

How bout Macalpine's hair on Maximum Security! Don't let him into a Maximum Security Prison! :grin:


"Hey big boy...I'll sing you a lullabye after we're done"


ROFLMAO!!! :grin:
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
AHHHH, Australia is a shit hole for everything!!!!

Australia is cool! Well hot really, i went there some years back. I went to the beach where they film Home and Away and it was covered in dead crows, what was that all about? :)

Anyway 30 aussie dollars are 12 british pounds which is normal, if anything cheap for a CD.