How many CD's do you own?

Last count, somewhere around 1300+ CD's, around 500-600 LP's. All originals.
Plus probably around 150-200 bootlegs on CD and LP.
Razorhead95 said:
So no food? No clothes? No nothing? I don't think I could do that, at least not right now. Well, I could since my mom buys all the food & clothes in my house, but you get what mean. :loco:
No, I don't really get what you mean... The only money I spend on other things than albums/demos goes to beer and snus and now&then going to a concert (here aren't many good ones where I live)
I don't pay for food either, and I hardly ever buy clothes, mom gives me a new pair of black jeans once a year or so (for christmas mostly) and I rarely buy any oher clothes, just the occasional metal t-shirt or longsleeve, but I got 25 shirts wih one of my own bands a few months ago so I don't really have to do ha anymore :D
I ordered a Toxic Holocaust shir today, though, $14 includeing shipping to Sweden. That's dirt cheap considering the low value of the dollar.

Anyway it's all about how you prioritize things, if you rather spend your cash on other crap you'll have to live without the music (or a least with only a little of it).
About a 1,000 and the "crimes" continue on a weekly basis I am afraid..

and woaaaaa lioness! :worship:
I have close to 300 not including tapes (around 50) and LPs (another 80 or so), all originals and almost all bought new. Only 1 CDR, and that's because it was given to me by a friend. I've been buying music all my life and CDs since around 1990. Also, I've bought more CDs during 2003-2004 than ever before because I've discovered so many new bands via the internet.
The problem has now become when to actually listen to all this stuff. I can hear music at work buy I can't really turn it up as much as I'd like. Right now I have 3-4 Cds that I haven't even had the time to properly listen to. By the way, my latest purchase was Dream Evil - Evilized. :rock: