How many albums have Opeth sold?

How about:

Q. What's the story/rumor of Mikael and the bathtub at Jonas Renkse's place on Halloween one year! :heh:

Easy if you read the same interview. Some things you read about your beloved metal bands can never been erased from the mind.
Originally posted by Opet
How about:

Q. What's the story/rumor of Mikael and the bathtub at Jonas Renkse's place on Halloween one year! :heh:

Easy if you read the same interview. Some things you read about your beloved metal bands can never been erased from the mind.

sounds like the spreading of evil rumours here, lol!
who cares who is TRUE or a real fan? as long as you like the music everything else doesnt matter. (thats just opinon, its not fact :D ) and as long as you can loose yourself inside the music nothing else matters (also opinion, so in conclusion ignore me)
Originally posted by _Transparent_
who cares who is TRUE or a real fan?

Exactly. I simply can't understand the "trueness" of "troo" black metallists. At least in the Finnish metal scene it's become a joke everyone throws around. :)

as long as you like the music anything doesnt matter. (thats just opinon, its not fact :D) and as long as you can loose yourself inside the music nothing else matters (also opinion, so in conclusion ignore me)

Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one, but I agree with you nonetheless. :)
Those martins really aren't so look alike people claims...

I agree. I can tell them apart easily enough.

Sounds like the spreading of evil rumors here, lol!

No, man. I swear, these words came right from the horse’s mouth. The reason I used the word story/rumor is because...well, you know how they love to drink themselves silly!
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel

If accurate, this would upset me slightly, I would feel safe betting that most people who have an Opeth album, only have BWP and Still Life. There is so much to Orchid, Morningrise, and MAYH, people just don't give them as much chance as they do the latter two Opeth albums. Do you agree?

well if people bought the latest 2, they would certainly buy the rest in a matter of time unless they didnt like them. opeth in my opinion are not a band you just like a bit, i think they are like Marmite (Vegemite, in australia i think) (sp?), you either like it or hate it. :)
I do know for the first three albums, but I'm not sure if it's my place to say how many here.

All I'll say is that I'd be suprised if the 80,000 figures were correct. Closer to 50,000 may be more acurate.

Touring certainly helps a band a great deal, so that may explain the jump with the new album. Opeth did a tour with CoF for Morningrise, but unfortunately Candlelight didn't have adequate distribution to be able to follow it up correctly. We certainly spent a lot of money on adverts though.

Lee B
Oh.. now I get who Lee B is :) I wonder why you use Hundfitta as your title though. Only swedes and norwegians would know what it means though :)
Originally posted by At The Gates:
Oh.. now I get who Lee B is :) I wonder why you use Hundfitta as your title though. Only swedes and norwegians would know what it means though :)

Well, if you know who he is don't you think he might have picked up a few Swedish words along the way? :)

(Vad? Vet du inte att varje finnjävla måste lära sig svenska i skolan? Vi förstår ju mest av vad ni säger (hmm, skriver) :p)

By the way, nice to see someone from the Dark Tranquillity forum straying over to the Opeth area, just like we've rushed over to the DT forums to welcome you guys. ;)