How many cds do you own

Yeah... we countered that by mixing two oils together... one oil would protect the other. We couldn't do much to stop the air rusting though.
In today's world yes... back then, nitrogen caused rust too... the only thing that didn't cause rust was cat urine, but that itself rusted/oxidised.

We tried our hardest to remove all oxygen from air, but damn factories were pumping pure oxygen back into the air! When will we all learn!
Global warming, its the only way...

Typical uninformed, half-cocked youngin response... :rolleyes:

Think you're so wise with your competer and your interwebsWWW... not enough physical activity I say! And what happened to the old days of the cane? (Which weren't THAT old, seeing as I was already 114 before the cane was used at schools). Aaahh memories.
That was good in its day, but I remember when it was bone for tone, and guitars were rare because we had to wait for John Petrucci to kill people by playing at 6 billion notes per second, and consume their flesh... :heh: Only then could we use their bones for a guitar, but it was always worth the extra price... Nowadays, you'd get half that quality for double the price... :mad:
Was never a fan of bone really... most people only played bone cause it was "cool", to make a fashion statement. Petrucci did it well, but then there were legions of wannabes thinking bone was the answer to skill.

Pre-big-bang dense-hydrogen-cloud guitars were pretty neat, but I think they were all destroyed somehow. Which is a shame, seeing as they had good tone, but weighed fuck all.
...and the frets would still wear out faster than any other guitar....
Just like the do on the JPMMs in 2007...

That's because they're made as exact replicas of JP's guitar, and when he plays, his frets melt... Sure, the average person isn't capable of melting their frets, so they make special gimmicky easy-melting frets to create the impression of awesomeness...
Ahhh but you are wrong! Rick Pierpont has such a guitar in need of re-fretting! Yes he plays it a lot, but c'mon, he must be using uranium coated sabot strings, or something! :D

/me waits for Rick to get back from BARFest to see this....
Yes, we have suceeded comrade... let us celebrate! :kickass:

You could use solder as frets... that would melt if you played open string for a minute. :lol:

My first bass no longer has frets, cause of my extreme skillz0r...

actually, I defretted it to be honest. :goggly:
Yeah, it's like that, but not deliberately... I got the closest matching wood filler to rosewood I could (walnut)... from more then a metre away it looks like it has no lines (i.e. someone watching you would get the idea it didn't), yet close up to a player, you can see the lines. Neato. :)

Of course, it has the fretless sound, but could do with a setup (it's a bitch to adjust the truss rod cause it is located where neck meets body), and being a cheap J bass copy with a plywood body, it's not something you'd record with, just to practice really... incase I get a real fretless sometime. :)
While you're at it, you may wanna hold up some music stores and equipment importers/distributors and steal a stack of amps and cabs for me. :p

Generally, drummers are rare over here, so when one is found, they are kidnapped and chained into a basement/recording studio. Same for bassists in SA? :d

I'm actually looking at joining a local prog type band (Lacrymae) that is forming... they needed a drummer, found one, then need a bassist, then the drummer left. Lol... I'm just waiting to buy this 300W head (which I might do tommorow if I get a chance).