Haha... well, before I said I'd try out for the band, someone else hypothesised that an airborne virus that only attacks bass players was released in Perth. So far that's probably the best working theory for you guys in SA.
Why the fuck don't people learn bass or drums though lol?.. there's already fucking enough guitarists all over the place... there's an 70% chance there are at least 10 guitarists on this street, to each one drummer in this state.
Good being a bassist though, I kinda get choice over what band to join lol... I could easily whore myself between three bands (if I actually had the free time to do so)... but yeah, I'm stoked that I got a good chance of joining this other band... I imagine over in America, the band would have a full line up in three hours, and a platinum EP within a week.

Over here, you could try to form a neoclassical superdupermegashred ubertechnical pop-appealing megabrutaldeathmetal acousticballad band that appeals to every genre, and it would never get off the ground (no drummers, vocalists or bassists).
Yeah, if you're ever in Perth, or I'm in SA (for some damned reason haha), then we shall jam until a sniper shoots us for shredding the town in half.

Since the SX in Perth petition is pwning the Adelaide one, I'd be buying air tickets now if I were you.