How many of you DONT drive?

Do you have a car?

  • I have a car

    Votes: 24 49.0%
  • I dont have a car

    Votes: 25 51.0%

  • Total voters


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
It's been my observation that most metalheads are mobile metalheads. Meaning, out of everyone I know who listens to metal (apart from those weird jazz/20th century Meshuggah fans I mentioned in my flaming thread) all of them drive a car. :headbang:

But come on, it makes sense. Metal is perfect for the car. An enclosed place like the car (like an enclosed claustrophobic club) is the best spot for being attacked from all angles by your metal gods of choice. You can be aggressive on the road, and scream your brains out along with the tune, smack the wheel during the big breakdown, and no one'll ever know.

Does anyone here not drive? (and more power to you if you don't!) :worship:
Some days I may drive to work if I know I'm not gonna be able to catch the bus on time, but otherwise I don't drive at all. Hate driving with a passion.
I have a driver's licence, but I don't drive in the city.
i could've gotten my permit but i didn't, then i kept putting it off and now its to the point where i'm 17 and still don't have my permit or have even tried to get it so i'm just going to wait until i turn 18 and can just go straight to the license. i should've not been lazy though since i've driven with people and blasting metal and being able to get yourself to shows and to practice easily is really nice instead of having to walk or take buses/trains.
I can, but I don't. Don't have a car and I dunno how to drive a 5 speed, so driving Derick's is out of the question. For my last job I commuted via 2 trains and a bus. I don't mind commuting at all, but an hour and a half each way was pushing it a bit (one of many reasons I quit). The public trans around here is great, and only about to get better :kickass:
i could've gotten my permit but i didn't, then i kept putting it off and now its to the point where i'm 17 and still don't have my permit or have even tried to get it so i'm just going to wait until i turn 18 and can just go straight to the license. i should've not been lazy though since i've driven with people and blasting metal and being able to get yourself to shows and to practice easily is really nice instead of having to walk or take buses/trains.

I didn't drive regularly until I was 18, and that's only because the parents needed to cart two other little fuckers around and my schedule was erratic as hell. I only drove to an occasional show or took a trip to the guitar shop until a few weeks into college.

Now, though... all over the fucking place. Enjoy that while you can.

Americans drive too much and thus feed Arabs with lots of money they, Americans, could use to get drugs and hookers.
I would raise the driving age to 21, come on, driving to school and shows is ridiculous for a teenager IMHO
Americans drive too much and thus feed Arabs with lots of money they, Americans, could use to get drugs and hookers.
I would raise the driving age to 21, come on, driving to school and shows is ridiculous for a teenager IMHO

And then we'd make the 21-year-olds inept drivers and inconvenience LEGAL ADULTS for no good reason. Fucking stupid. Competency should be the key - better education, better requirements, et cetera. That'll cut numbers and make driving more sane.

And a much better way of tackling the oil problem is just finding better fuel. Hmm, between fucking over tons of people who have no other choice, and making batteries better... which seems like a better idea?

And then we'd make the 21-year-olds inept drivers and inconvenience LEGAL ADULTS for no good reason. Fucking stupid. Competency should be the key - better education, better requirements, et cetera. That'll cut numbers and make driving more sane.

And a much better way of tackling the oil problem is just finding better fuel. Hmm, between fucking over tons of people who have no other choice, and making batteries better... which seems like a better idea?

no, there is no point for people under 21 to drive. And I was not discussing oil and energy independence solutions, but imediate remedies to gas prices, and thus creating more money for people to spend on drugs and hookers.
and if you make 21 year old inept drivers won't change anything from today. It will just push the n00b years from 16-18 to 21-23.
Derick's car almost got stolen out of our driveway by a beaner today. The way our house is built, you can't see the driveway from the living room, only from the front bedroom which my brother was asleep in at the time. My mom and other brother came back from the grocery store to find a Mexican guy trying to open Derick's driver's side door! Then he apparently tried to open the hood. My mom asked what he was doing and he just started jibbering in Spanish.

And she had left her cell phone in the house, too. So by the time they came in and made the rest of us aware of the situation, the guy (and his compadre waiting in their car) had already bolted. It would have been smarter to have pulled in right behind that car so that they couldn't have left. Neither my mom or brother even bothered to get the license plate number.

Oh well, I guess we'll see if the car is there in the morning. Luckily my brother who stays in the front bedroom is up all night, so he's supposed to be watching.
no, there is no point for people under 21 to drive.

Except for those of us who go to school and work. Like... I don't know, most people over 18. Get to be that age before deciding what's pointless, it'll change your opinion somewhat.

And you seem to be forgetting that if teenagers aren't driving, their parents or friends are carting them around - no gas saved there, only 'quick fix' is to give them no place to go.

Well if a bunch of kids pile into a friend's car then it's the same as carpooling, which is beneficial aye? Rather than them all driving their parent's cars or whatnot.

Whenever I see kids in cars together it's always a pack of them.
i'v a drivers license...but after my 4e car i just gave up :p

my 1e got stolen (Volkswagen polo) :p
my 2e much expenses so sold (Nissan 100nx)
my 3e got in a traffic accident [A FRIEND OF MINE, RAMMED MY cAR WITH HIS CAR!!!...god damned, well atleast the insurance payed me cause it wasnt my fault] (Mitsubishi - colt)
my last car had engine problems and couldnt afford to repair it (Opel - Astra)

this only in 2years time...i dont have any luck in cars