how many of you fags go start school tomorrow?

Started today. Oddly enough all three of my classes that I had today were in rooms that I've already had, and one professor I've had before, which I wasn't aware of. I can't fucking understand the Asian teacher I have though.
is vermont one of the ones that everyone goes to for cheap shopping and outlet malls and shit?

if so, FUCK that place! spent too many hours waiting for the female part of my family to waste our entire day in places like that
oh yeah for the record

New Jersey is probably the worst state in this country, but Vermont is quite possibly the best (along with NH and Maine). That's just the way it is, Will. Deal with it.
My 28 year old brother just started back at college and is studying Italian. After one week, he's completely miserable. I warned him.
oh yeah for the record

New Jersey is probably the worst state in this country, but Vermont is quite possibly the best (along with NH and Maine). That's just the way it is, Will. Deal with it.

I've never even been to Vermont and I think it rules! Lindsey Jacobellis lives there and everyone drives Subarus.
New Jersey = :erk:
North Carolina ftw :kickass:
We have this guy at work, Jersey. He's from Jersey. They call him Jersey because his real name is Gilbert Salter and he doesn't like to be called that.

He likes Jersey.