How many of you have 'Blood Inside' as your album of the year?

Aug 31, 2004
So far this year, 'Blood Inside' is the album of the year for me, and I think it will stay that way. Besides that, I've got like eight albums so far from this year, and will have like twelve before the year is over. My second tier of albums for the year would be, in no order:

Fantomas - Suspended Animation
Subterranean Masquerade - Suspended Animation Dreams
Frantic Bleep - The Sense Apparatus

There are several other good ones also, but nothing has matched up with these four yet for me. Steve Vai, as always, has some of the best tracks of the year, but fails to keep consistancy over the entire album.
I think "Blood Inside" would currently be my number 2 album of the year, with Nevermore's "This Godless Endeavor" being top of the list...
The standings may change when I recieve Arcturus' new album shortly though... Haven't heard any reviews yet, but I'm trusting it's gonna be awesome...
It obviously has a quality loss for me because Garm isn't there, although Vortex is pretty good. I've heard it though, and it's not as mind-shatteringly good as their other albums. Still should be great though.
Is Blood Inside really that good ?

I have no doubt about it being awesome, but is it really THAt good ?

(Perdition City good ? )

Just want to torture myself since I probably won't have it before a while.
Definitely, my top albums for 2005 are Blood Inside, Sigh - Gallow's Gallery, Arcturus - Sideshow Symphonies, Sturmgeist - Meister Mephisto, and probably Solefald's new album (though it isn't out yet, I just think it will be since I love them so much)
I was disappointed by the new Arcturus, to be honest. Not to say that it's *bad*, but Garm is definitely missed. Apparently he was responsible for the weirdness that made La Masquerade and Sham Mirrors such jawdropping experiences. Vortex is a great singer, though, and is the only guy who could have possibly filled Garm's position in Arcturus. Now we just wait for Garm to leave SinDrome and be replaced by's a trend...

On topic...I wouldn't place it as album of the year, but Blood Inside is nonetheless an amazing album. Not quite on the level of Perdition City, but amazing for what it is. The best of the year for me is Blood Inside, Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn, Klimt 1918 - Dopoguerra, Meshuggah - Catch 33, Swallow the Sun - Ghosts of Loss and the new Boards of Canada shows a lot of promise. It's a lot, but it's been a great year for music.
It's third actually, behind Meshuggah Catch 33, and Pelican - Fire In Our Throats...
the mars volta, queens of the stone age, and meshuggah have better albums this year.

however it's just now getting around to "ulver weather" round these parts, so i haven't been able to give blood inside the true test just yet.