How many of you have checked out Rakoth?

I only have one mp3, which is Dying Realm. I have only listened to it a few times so I decided to give it another listen right now.

I really like this song, especially the vocals. The guitars have a very nice vibe...pretty laidback but heavy at the same time. I definitely need to get more songs and then proceed to buy the album(s). :)

Is that a flute I hear? Oh my... :D

Thanks for the tip, cat lady. I realllly like this song...I'll be sure to check out these guys some more. *makes himself a note to check out Rakoth*
Originally posted by SHOOTME
Why does it always take a major label release (or re-release, in this case) for you people to hear anything halfway decent? You probably think this CD is brand new, sorry, but it came out back in 2000. They just threw on some new artwork, said they remastered it (I don't hear much of a difference at all between the original and the re-release), and called it new. Get your heads out of the MTV clouds and start digging for good bands before they get better distribution.


:rolleyes: Having a bad day, or just a bad life?
Originally posted by SHOOTME
Why does it always take a major label release (or re-release, in this case) for you people to hear anything halfway decent? You probably think this CD is brand new, sorry, but it came out back in 2000. They just threw on some new artwork, said they remastered it (I don't hear much of a difference at all between the original and the re-release), and called it new. Get your heads out of the MTV clouds and start digging for good bands before they get better distribution.


Are you for real? :rolleyes:

Good for you hearing about this band a whole two years ago. Your truelly very special! :lol:

I'm very confident that I've heard of some "halfway decent" bands that you haven't yet and I would also bet that they have been around for more then two years! :eek:

Now get your head out of your ass and start acting like you have some class!:grin:
Originally posted by SHOOTME
What's the most underground thing you have, and no, Rakoth doesn't count.


I would have to say Fall of the Leafe--Fermina and 23rd Hour--Immortal Coil. I don't have any potatoes growing right now, so those will have to do.
Originally posted by SHOOTME

Yes I'm for real.

I am very special, I was listening to Rakoth while you were still being "blown away" by Metallica albums.

I doubt it, I've heard probably 90% of what's out there, BEFORE it becomes so easily available, unlike you. What's the most underground thing you have, and no, Rakoth doesn't count.

The only class on this entire post is from my E-mails. You're just mad (and jealous) that I'm so much better than you are.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Another loser who is so mentally challenge that they have to put good people down to make themselves feel important! Don't worry you'll either grow out of this problem or die!

You are right about something. I was blown away by Metallica way back in 86 when I first heard Master of Puppets. My guess is that you were nothing more then a mistake waiting to happen by your parents back then.
Originally posted by SHOOTME

Not a bad day or life, I'm just laughing at how pathetic yours is. Go review something else just re-released so MTV watchers like you can finally have a listen to it.


Most people would be happy to see a good band getting more attention via a re-release and better distribution, instead of insulting anyone who missed out on hearing them when they were only on an obscure Italian label.

Why don't you give up the complete asshole routine, and do something productive with your life? Like maybe recommending some "underground" bands, so us poor unenlightened MTV viewers (whether we've actually ever seen MTV or not) can benefit from your obviously tremendous depth of musicological knowledge.

Of else just fuck off and die. Your choice. :)
Why does it always take a major label release (or re-release, in this case) for you people to hear anything halfway decent?

I've heard probably 90% of what's out there, BEFORE it becomes so easily available, unlike you.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you put as much energy into venting to retailers for not stocking product and music media for not supporting new releases as you do fans?
Originally posted by llamaura

Why don't you give up the complete asshole routine, and do something productive with your life? Like maybe recommending some "underground" bands, so us poor unenlightened MTV viewers (whether we've actually ever seen MTV or not) can benefit from your obviously tremendous depth of musicological knowledge.

Of else just fuck off and die. Your choice. :)

By the way thanks for the recommendation. I put them on my list to get. I also think that your wording is to sophisticated for this loser to understand!:lol: Maybe I need to start watching MTV in the future and I guess that this loser must be watching it to know that they were on it lately!:lol:

Keep the suggestions coming......