you know i've done drugs and it's not fun at all
..To you it's not fun.. But clearly it is fun for others. If you had bad experiences it's either down to your own carelessness or just naturally reacting to drugs in a bad way. Some people, when drinking alcohol, get violent, sad, or like me suffer from bad hangovers. I suffer from what seems to be a natural problem with hangovers, and therefore i don't drink alcohol, or if i do i only drink it slowly and not much. However, I don't go around telling people how awful alcohol is because clearly a lot of people like alcohol and have a good time with it. I'm a responsible drug user, who does it infrequently and doesn't overdo it, i've never had a single bad experience and have only had good times. For me it is far better than alcohol.
Alcohol itself is a drug, yet people have little to no problems with accepting people drinking it.. Yet the second someone mentions cannabis you'll just be greeted with ill-informed and inexperienced nonsense. Fortunately you are no longer ill-informed.. Drugs aren't all that bad, just depends how you use them and how you naturally react to them.. If you quit because you saw others around you suffering bad experiences, all i can say is that it still applys to them.. And that if they were overdoing it, i surely hope you tried to help them out because just moaning about how drugs can cause problems, and not lifting a finger when it's needed is just..