How many of you blaze + Opeth

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you know i've done drugs and it's not fun at all

..To you it's not fun.. But clearly it is fun for others. If you had bad experiences it's either down to your own carelessness or just naturally reacting to drugs in a bad way. Some people, when drinking alcohol, get violent, sad, or like me suffer from bad hangovers. I suffer from what seems to be a natural problem with hangovers, and therefore i don't drink alcohol, or if i do i only drink it slowly and not much. However, I don't go around telling people how awful alcohol is because clearly a lot of people like alcohol and have a good time with it. I'm a responsible drug user, who does it infrequently and doesn't overdo it, i've never had a single bad experience and have only had good times. For me it is far better than alcohol.

Alcohol itself is a drug, yet people have little to no problems with accepting people drinking it.. Yet the second someone mentions cannabis you'll just be greeted with ill-informed and inexperienced nonsense. Fortunately you are no longer ill-informed.. Drugs aren't all that bad, just depends how you use them and how you naturally react to them.. If you quit because you saw others around you suffering bad experiences, all i can say is that it still applys to them.. And that if they were overdoing it, i surely hope you tried to help them out because just moaning about how drugs can cause problems, and not lifting a finger when it's needed is just.. :goggly:
If people want to do drugs i'm not gonna get all defensive, it is perfectly fine with me, it's just when people do it constantly that really annoys the shit out of me. Marijuana is a drug that I really don't see any problem with doing, unless you do it all the time then you are pretty much a sac of shit and just sit around all day, and i agree with you alcohol is a drug. However these two are nowhere near as dangerous as, say heroin, which I have never done and never will, I do not support the doing of this drug.
and why is it a shit thread? seems to be a fairly engaging topic to me...I feel you're more deluded straight than many of us happy go lucking potheads.. if you have a chemical imbalance in your brain....might i suggest Prozac or Zoloft....

My opinion is if you want to listen to music while under the influence, fine by me. I would rather do it while under the influence of nothing, because i get the full experience of the music, maybe it's just me but i don't have the attention span while on drugs to do anything but just basically sit there.
different strokes I guess....I find my attention enlightened and many sensations expanded to a higher degree of enjoyment...I know some peps are noided out by it though and it's prolly not for I'm a special occation user at night with no other responsibilities.....and believe me I have plenty of them during the day.....
My opinion is if you want to listen to music while under the influence, fine by me. I would rather do it while under the influence of nothing, because i get the full experience of the music, maybe it's just me but i don't have the attention span while on drugs to do anything but just basically sit there.

you're such a dumbass
I have blazed on and off for the last twenty years since high school. I really enjoy Opeth when my mood is altered. I agree with previous posters that it is not a gateway drug. I have never done anything other drug and have been offered everything under the sun. I am not a 36 year old basement living momma's boy either. I have a beautiful home, a great fiance, have a successful career, and treat it like someone treats alcohol. Too much is very bad, but since I do not drink, and use it only in moderation, I am fine with it. If you choose not to indulge, that it totally up to you, and I think that it is a great descision on your part. If it is not around, or I have decided to stop for a month, a year, or whatever length of time, I do not crave it. I just love to smoke when at a great live show. Period.

I hope you get arrested
btw, pot makes me feel paranoid, it changes my regular state of mind completely, my cock doesn't even get hard ftlog, i only do it when i want to have some crazy fun.

Edit: If you are criticizing people just because they don't enjoy music under the influence of drugs you are a moron, a fucking moron.
btw, pot makes me feel paranoid, it changes my regular state of mind completely, my cock doesn't even get hard ftlog, i only do it when i want to have some crazy fun.

Edit: If you are criticizing people just because they don't enjoy music under the influence of drugs you are a moron, a fucking moron.

You're an example of someone having a natural bad effect with pot - i don't personally know anyone, but i've heard of people being with someone who became really paranoid when stoned. It just happens with some people. Ahahaha stoner's droop eh? I've never needed to summon the little fella whilst stoned!

And i'm not sure whether anyone ever was doing that.. Or at least, i certainly wasn't :Saint:
I will not frown upon people if they do drugs as long as they do so in moderation. I do not support drug use, but I don't have a problem with the drugs themselves or those who use them.

I, however, do not do drugs. That is because of a decision on my part due to the fact that my sister fucked up all of her chances. She was so smart and she could have done pretty much anything she wanted, but then she became an addict and she threw away all of her potential. I can't take the chance that that could happen to me. I'm sorry this is going to sound so arrogant, but I have so much potential, I can do anything I want. I honestly have so far that I could fall, and I want to succede so badly. It has been scientifically proven that the youngest child is the least likely to succede, the odds are already stacked against me in that area. I'm the youngest of three girls, people either watch me to see when I fail, or they demand that I advance further. There is too much that I have left unaccomplished and that I am determined to accomplish for me to take risks the way my sister did. I can't afford to fail.
You're an example of someone having a natural bad effect with pot - i don't personally know anyone, but i've heard of people being with someone who became really paranoid when stoned. It just happens with some people. Ahahaha stoner's droop eh? I've never needed to summon the little fella whilst stoned!

And i'm not sure whether anyone ever was doing that.. Or at least, i certainly wasn't :Saint:

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug, so the effects of its usage are different depending on the user. Personally, i don't have anything against it, it has its pros(for people who know how to use it!), and its cons.
It's not a matter of smoking weed because its '0mgz SO kewLZZ!!', but it changes your perception - you're cognitions and the way you interpret the music.

Listening to anything while blazed imo is worthwhile if you are willing to explore the music on a different level.
Marijuana is a psychoactive drug, so the effects of its usage are different depending on the user. Personally, i don't have anything against it, it has its pros(for people who know how to use it!), and its cons.

As i've been saying, man! Ahahaha! For me the worst that happens is i fidget a bit or feel tired - otherwise i get massive body rushes, feel incredibly relaxed, and laugh my arse off! One of my mates laughs is a fellow giggler, but he also demands we have a banquet and gets strangley serious about things like 'pro evolution soccer 4' and Family Guy, another seems to get his best musical ideas when he's had a few spliffs, but another feels really good.. but really sleepy at the same time.

A mere handful of my friend's reactions.
Lots of my friends smoke weed, but I myself don't do drugs. The main reason is that I used to hallucinate as a kid, and the docters warned me that I'm most probably the kind of person who'd react badly to the effect of drugs. My nephew had similar problems and he's now being helped for his schizofrenia, in his case the schizofrenia was most probably sparked by the use of drugs.

But I don't give a shit if my friends do drugs when I'm around..I just get really drunk and that works the same for me...more calories though :lol:
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