How many of you blaze + Opeth

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the only reason people do drugs is because they have a sad, pathetic life, and they just want to feel better about themselves, it makes them feel "cooler"

ps: I used to, but I quit, cause it got boring and gay
the only reason people do drugs is because they have a sad, pathetic life, and they just want to feel better about themselves, it makes them feel "cooler"

ps: I used to, but I quit, cause it got boring and gay
That is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. I suppose people like the Beatles, Bob Marley, and Aldous Huxley all had sad and pathetic lives as well, right?
I do, sometimes. It makes the music sound a bit different, it's a cool sensation.

And again, I don't need drugs to have fun. I like to smoke up occasionally, I don't need it for anything.
It's really sad to see how many people in this forum do drugs.

Easy, hard whatever, drugs ISN'T good in any way, dosage or time.

At least be aware of that when you do drugs..
You know, anti-drugs people tend to have never used the stuff themselves, and the ones who have were either completely irresponsible or just naturally suffer bad effects.
I smoke weed now and then, and seeing as i smoke it say, no more than once a month, usually bi-montly, for me it has only good effects. All i can say is just because you don't see what there is in it, or suffered paranoia etc when using it, don't jump down other users throats when most of them use it responsibly and enjoy good effects. You shouldn't be attacking users, you should be trying to push for responsibility of use - just like they are doing with alcohol.
I know of only 1 person who suffered bad effects from it, and that was because he just totally overdid it (10 spliffs or so every single day). We told him to sort himself out and to stop overdoing it, offering him help to do so.. and if it didn't get better, we planned to just stop him from doing it. He cut down and is fine now. As with everything in life, overdoing it is bad. You may deem 'responsible cannabis smoking' as an oxymoron, but if you don't act like an immature prick, smoking it just to appear cool.. In my experiences, it is far better than alcohol. Infinitely better up and down. No hangover, the worst i've ever had is feeling tired and having a long nap in the middle of the day.

So before you start screaming about how awful drugs are, realise that the responsible users know you're idiots.
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