How many of you...


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Mar 29, 2003
How many of you have already started to purchase cd's from Therion and Manticora. Of those that have bought cd's by these bands because of their PP performance, what are your thoughts on the albums?
So far because of ProgPower I bought "8 Deadly Sins" by Manticora. It fucking slays. This is the way power metal should be done. Blind Guardian meets Brainstorm. I plan on getting more from them soon enough as well as Therion as I own nothing from them yet.
I placed an order for two Manticora discs (Hyperion, and 8 Deadly Sins) the other day, but I don't have any plans of purchasing any Therion. I don't really like that band much at all. Manticora on the other hand is quite excellent. I'll probably get around to buying another one or two of theirs as well.
I've not purchased any yet, but PP has turned me on to explore Manticora. I've got a copy of 8 deadly sins, and it kicks! Put it this way, if I listen to a copy of something and I like it enough, then I'll buy it! Eight Deadly Sins is well worth buying!
I ordered 8 Deadly Sins, since what I've heard from Manticora so far is great. I downloaded some Therion, but I don't think I'm gonna bother buying a cd of theirs. It's enjoyable music, but I'm running myself into debt buying cd's here; I've gotta save some money for the US 11 Dreams release!!
I picked up the new double disc from Therion which I like quite a bit. I like the 2nd disc best so far, but need to listen to the first a few more times.

As for Manticora I picked up Hyperion and 8 Deadly Sins. I've only listened to Hyperion so far, but I think it's pretty awesome. I've loved the song Cantos since the sampler from PPIII, but it was their announcement that pushed me to buy some stuff right away. Looking forward to seeing these guys a lot from what I've heard so far.
Right now I'm building my next cd purchase "wish list". The one I'm truly jonesing for is the new Porcupine Tree that's due out in March.

Oh and getting an income tax return back will help with my purchases.
I'm just gonna sell something big on Ebay once all the bands have been announced, and buy a whole slew of CDs. My mom will be so pissed, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do! :tickled:

I implore you.

I wish I knew what 'implore' meant.

Get a copy of Roots Of Eternity from Manticora. It's a total riff-fest the way MetallicA and MegadetH used to write albums. The Flood has at least 11 different riffs in there. The last song on the album is simply a 12-minute encyclopedia of the greatest riffage ever. Such good old-school thrash metal, covered in intricacies of guitar that nobody bothers to put into songs anymore. As great as Hyperion is, and as fresh and inventive as 8 Deadly Sins is, I still keep going back to Roots. Such an appropriate album title, man!

Hell... if anyone wants me to email some choice MP3's from that album, let me know.
I have not... neither band does anything for me.... Therion , i can't stand and Maticora is imho average at best..ill save my cash for other things thanx... maybe ill d/l some more Maticora