How much do concerts usually cost?

So much for Canadian Bacon...

"I do have to fine you. That will be a thousand dollars Canadian, or 10 American dollars if you prefer."
when going to dives like that ive never paid over $12.but then again half of them i went with someone who knows the right people or knew them myself and got in for free. always bring your own beer. no use paying 3 times as much inside. and after the show offer some band members a few cold ones and they will usually hook you up with a free cd. thats happened four times to me. i didnt always like the band but its better to know people that can get into other spots.
Bah, tickets for decent shows are anywhere from $15 to $40, but it can be much more if it's a big band like Van Halen playing an arena. I saw Nile & The Faceless last week & it was $17, for example...