how much gain


Jun 12, 2005
im trying to get a better guitar sound. im using a mesa boogie mark v with rectifiers vintage 30. this was used with sm57 to a saffire 56 liquid.

no eq and comp.

but the gain its in max.

some guy tell me that change the settings, less gain and play the guitar more hard.

what do you think?

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yes. no tube screamer. also the guitar its a gibson usa thunderhorse ltd edition with seymour duncan blackouts in bridge
If you vary the settings of the amp slightly, or use a different guitar for some/each take, and combine it with super-tight playing, you'll wind up with a very large and wide mix. In my experience. It doesnt work for every style or song, though.
I'm not one of the 'lower gain' brigade myself. If you're quad tracking and going for a less saturated sound then sure, it makes sense. I think it's really more of an old wives tale to scare horrible guitarists with absurd settings and awful gear. Of course you should play tight and hard, but if you want a biting, saturated sound (I do) then a good amount of gain is required... And the reamps I've gotten from some favoured 'tone gods' have had quite the shitloads of juicy gain on them as well. Like anything there is a fine balance.
You need to play this MUCH tighter for it to sound better. Also, and I can't believe no one has pointed this out yet, but where's the Bass? Your guitar will always sound bad without bass man.... and, you don't need to quad track it really. Just one good, tight take on the left, and one good, tight take on the right. Add some bass, and you'll be ok. Check out Ola's video of the Mark V below.... only 2 tracks (1 left, 1 right) but played tight WITH BASS. His gain is pretty much maxed on the settings as well.....

right.! i will re-record the guitar and put the bass ( have an music man bass). and 4 tracks i will play hard. question i have one sm57 and a sm7b with the friedman tech? the problem its that the 2 mics can be in phase
eduardo, im using the extreme setting. i have seymour duncan blackouts in bridge. and a gibson thunderhorse usa. yes in this record. the gain its in max

keith merrow said me that he use 100% of gain, but yes. he play tight
In order for the 57 and sm7 to work together you need to line up the capsules, either by ear or (less desirably) by eye. If I were you, I'd practice getting a good sound with one mic, and only two tracks. Once you can do that tightly, play with adding another mic and/or quad tracking.

Record a di for the bass no matter what. I usually copy it and put an amp sim (ampeg svx or a distortion plug) and blend.
right. i like the distorted bass that ols use in his settings. ok i will record again plain tight with less gain. and will put bass
Now that I'm hearing it (I thought you were complaining of lack of gain :) ) I don't think you have too much gain, it sounds good to me (at least on my Mac Book :D ).

Play with the 240 and 750 sliders, those are very powerful.
Try to lower the 750 a bit first.
Play with the 240 and 750 sliders, those are very powerful.
Try to lower the 750 a bit first.

what mean that?
The graphic eq man.... to the right of channel 3....

And I agree with Eddie. I don't think your gain is way out of controll. Maybe down just a pinch, and play with the other amp settings. Follow the other recommendations above and re-post!
so what do you think ??? re recordes with less gain in mark iv mode like tha other demo. i will teste in extreme mode

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