how much I hate the TSL


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
so this band brought their marshall TSL for me to reamp their stuff through it....

I fucking HATE it! it sounds like a mediocre rockamp that wants to do metal....
It's not the first time I'm using it but everytime I do use it I'm surprised again by how shitty it sounds.

does anyone here like the amp? (TSL, not DSL, that one is a totally different beast!)
the tsl is soo weak, and harsh sounding, i prefered my JCM900 4100 over it and the 4100 was a bad amp aswell for overdriven tones!!

so true!
both use a shitloads of diodes.....the 4100 even uses red LED for the clipping!!
still (even) the 900series sounds better to my ears

they want a rock-metal tone, not too modern...I think I'll just use one of the laneys instead
The tsl is not the amp for me, I hate it! but the dsl is nice with an emg guitar and withan overdrive in front of it.
I really don't get the hate for TSLs..

Maybe mine is one of the best ones they built, because to me it sounds awesome - just a typical marshall.
Not much low end, but that's why I use bass players.. and that can be rectified by using a SS amp w/ a splitter live. Just to add that heavy-ness.
Yeah, TSL's are worthless in my opinion. They don't do anything that you can't get out of a lesser expensive amp with more tonal options anyway. Matter of fact... I've only liked 3 Marshall EVER.
1) The old JCM 800's w/ the Drake transformers. BADASS.
2) 30-year-old 100w Plexi's
3) The new JVM 410 head. We have one at the studio, and I have grown quite fond of it. You can go from Plexi to 800 to Hotrod Mod on that bitch, and so far, everything sounds great on it.
I've never played through a Marshall that I liked, and I've tried out all of their best amps over the years.

Ironically my best Marshall experience was when I had to borrow a Mode 4 one time for a gig when I was waiting for my 6505+ to arrive in the mail, and I was able to force it to sound decent with my TS808 in front and EMG 85 pickups. Almost achieved a Dual Rectifier type of sound... almost...
Matter of fact... I've only liked 3 Marshall EVER.
1) The old JCM 800's w/ the Drake transformers. BADASS

Same here. I’m not into marshalls for high gain amps, but those old JCM 800’s kick ass – in fact, dino cazares (ex-ff) used a modified version of it to record the guitars of demanufacture (which possesses one of the best guitar sounds IMHO).
...and for that reason, i have a feeling that the kerry king signature heads are probably pretty awesome, but i haven't had a chance to fuck with one yet
The only marshalls I have EVER liked are the bluesbreaker and the JMP, both these amps probably don't do metal very well but damn they sounded good.

As far as I am concerned all other marshall amps can choke on a dick. I have no love for the JCM series, I have heard them voodoo modded as well and it didn't help.
I've never played extensively through a Marshall that wasn't an AVT50

However, I heard a JCM 2000 live in a melodic death metal band and it was fucking amazing sounding.
I think the DSL is an awesome amp. Maybe not suited to most of the people on this board and their style of music but it is certainly very good at what it does. Anyone who has heard Iron Maidens last album or seen them on tour recently can attest to that. Certainly not the best amp for down-tuned chugging but excellent for thrash tones etc...

As for the TSL, i have never played one and only heard one live once and it was ok. Although it was used on The Absence new album (along with some other amp that i cant remember) and the guitar tones on that album are unreal so im sure its capable of some decent tones.
i always thought maiden (even in the studio) used their JMP-1 preamps? (which i have to say you can actually get a nice tone outta them)

When recording their last album at least Dave Murray switched to a DSL for all his guitar work, then live, ran a JMP-1 through a DSL. Not 100% sure on what the others used

Now Dave and Adrian at least (Dont know about Janick) are running DSLs boosted with TS808s for solos. They have been using the DSLs for over a year now

Theres apparently a pic in the new fan club newsletter of Adrians rig and he is using 2 DSLs with TS808s. One labeld solo and one Harms
Just on a side note... using a red LED as mentioned above is perfectly valid and quite interesting. They clip at a higher voltage than the usual LEDs, so you get less clipping, and the sound is a bit 'crunchier' than other diodes. This is very commonly done in 'boutique' pedal mods, so the technique itself isn't bad - Marshall is the problem here.
