How much money do u make?

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yeah, when I was 27 I did...I make $381,000 now you loser. Rozzo66 wins again!!!!!!!!!!
MyHatred said:
:lol: Shut up and get back to flipping your burgers and learn to spell while your at it, dumbfuck.

Why dont YOU learn how to spell.

My dad gives me tons of money. I dont nedd to flip burgars. Loser.
Shit another special kid on this board... wait two of them.... or are they the same person...??????

MY DAD........ is a mortician..... top that......
The proletariat (from Latin proles, offspring) is a term used to identify a lower social class; a member of such a class is proletarian. Originally it was identified as those people who had no wealth other than their sons; the term was initially used in a derogatory sense, until Karl Marx used it as a sociological term to refer to the working class.

Shit i had to look it up.......
I make very little money but what I do is important and in someway benifits the human race. I am not poor but so far happy with what little i got. If money is what makes you happy fine. Your just adding to the cancer that is society. Come down to my house so I can steal your wallet while I have you ass raped by the homo next door. Where do these trolls come from and why do I bother?
prizo said:
I am the Boogwazie and you are prolatariat.

So shut up and dig my ditch.
Dude if you ever met Thraxx or god help you ME. You would so shut your hole. Some people are internet tough guys but I'm just that good. I got a lot of anger today even for me.
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