I have a Son!!!!

Awesome news man. Yep being a dad is great fun and will change you (for the good) for life.
Being a Dad may seem tough and intimidating but its wonderful, I will say that I am not afraid of much in this life but my little man scares me to death--he's fearless, climbs and does whatever he wants. Congrats
at this early hour all i can think of to say is i hope he aint as bad as your mother may have wished on you.

i can remember my mom telling me a great many times i hope you get one just like you.
i honestly fear that i will.
Cheers for all the well-wishes people. It's certainly an awesome time to be alive!!!!
i just had a baby boy on may 5th and let me tell u it's cool. to see a part of you in front of you makes u realize how much important you are and that it's up to you make a difference in your childs life. His name is ADRIAN after adrian smith of maiden and yes if he gets into metal I am all for it I will not enforce it but I will understand if he gets into it. I am looking forward to it... I sure do have a lot of stories to with him :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :Spin:

Loving metal since the age of 09. 1984 was a very good year for me
Inside Out said:
at this early hour all i can think of to say is i hope he aint as bad as your mother may have wished on you.

i can remember my mom telling me a great many times i hope you get one just like you.
i honestly fear that i will.

My mother's curse is alive and well in my house and her name is Madison.