How much time does each metal genre have left before it becomes so stagnant it disapp

I read your post KT! :D

J. said:
I used to be one of those people who buy, buy, buy, though I always spent a fair amount of time listening to each album. I never understand people who have unlistened-to new music. The first thing I do when I get something new is throw it in the player and crank it up.

Something this made me think about...that little chufty feeling when you dust off an album you haven't touched for years, give it a spin and after a few times more then it starts growing on you! I love that :)
I think I have about 100 metal cds, maybe 30-50 non-metal ones which are the stuff I used to listen to and keep for nostalgic/sentimental reasons. Some of them are even good! I trimmed the fat off my music collection recently, selling off things I knew I didn't need to own (Dream Theater, Pantera), even things I liked but never listened to (Slayer).