How odd...


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Bought Armored Saint's "Nod to the Old School" today and was quite surprised to notice that it contained one disc which in turn contained just one 4-and-a-bit minute song, not the 18 tracks mentioned on the back cover or in the booklet.

How odd. How odd indeed. :err: I HATE returning stuff to the place of purchase too, but I guess I'll have to.

Anyone else had this particular problem with this particular CD before? The CD doesn't say anything about it being a bonus disc or anything, just has the CD title on it and stuff. Odd.
If you hate it so much, don't return it to the place of purchase. Return it somewhere else, like a bowling alley or something. Go in, insist that you bought it there yesterday and don't leave until your demands are satisfied.
Now I'm extremely disgruntled and in a bad mood. Grr.

Almost bought a Tom Waits CD, Phloggy, but I couldn't remember the names of any of the ones you recommended and didn't want to buy the wrong one. There were a few there, though. Shall write them down on a list with a crayon and take it with me next time I go CD shopping.
Is it possible that their nod to the old school was in fact an 18 part 4 and a 1/2 minute song?
Spiff said:
Bought Armored Saint's "Nod to the Old School" today and was quite surprised to notice that it contained one disc which in turn contained just one 4-and-a-bit minute song, not the 18 tracks mentioned on the back cover or in the booklet.

How odd. How odd indeed. :err: I HATE returning stuff to the place of purchase too, but I guess I'll have to.

Anyone else had this particular problem with this particular CD before? The CD doesn't say anything about it being a bonus disc or anything, just has the CD title on it and stuff. Odd.

Spiffo! That sounds like the plant error that occurred with the first pressing of that album. All copies of that batch of the album should have been returned to the label for destruction, but obviously the one you bought wasn't. I found the same problem. I got sent a promo version that had bits and pieces of songs, stuff missing, track errors... then they sent me the right one. Tell your retailer they should have returned it not tried to rip you off.