How to convert a metal newbie thread


Active Member
Oct 16, 2012
Southern California
Suppose some friends are into this indie/hipster/pop rock bs.

How would you convert them slowly to the good side? I think it has to be gradual. Showing them the good stuff right away is not going to work. It'd be too shocking to their shit-adjusted system. What would you do?
Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath/Rainbow/Deep Purple, Metallica, Exciter, this is how I started. I definitely didn't listen to "hipster" or pop music before though haha.
I agree that Black Sabbath/Deep Purple/Rainbow/Dio and ill even throw in Motorhead would probably be the best place to start. After that i'd throw in some NWOBHM or good accessible mid-paced thrash or somewhat similar stuff like some Heathen, Maiden, Metallica, Angelwitch, Holocaust, Practice What You Preach, Souls of Black, Countdown, Youthanasia, Horrorscope ... once he has gotten comfortable with those then i'd show him the more filthier and technically inclined sides of thrash ... and take it from there. Try playing some Bolt Thrower for him later on and see what he thinks, as they are one of the most accessible death metal bands around imo. Maybe some melodeath. And then if you really want to test the waters, play him some Bathory.

Also, early power metal might be another good place to start with i guess, although i didnt listen to any of it till a few years ago.
Agalloch tends to be a good gateway into doom, black metal, dark folk, post rock, and a number of other genres. I usually try to start there.

Some poppier metal bands like Torche, Baroness, and Mastodon work pretty well too. Most people have at least heard Mastodon's name somewhere, I've noticed.
I had a better opportunity for getting into it being that I was inundated by my dad's collection, but Metallica was the first metal band in his collection that I loved, on the basis of Puppets. Before that I was more into any of the grunge and pop-punk they'd play on the radio, which was a stepping stone of sorts I guess. It depends on the kind of non-metal they're into, though. I thought nu metal was unlistenable as a kid, but I've heard of people big into Slipknot going straight to Cannibal Corpse/Six Feet Under. Same goes with certain metalcore bands. If they aren't into heavy rock music at all, there's not really any point of trying to convert them to the tr00est of musicks.
How about letting them listen to what they want?

No, because the question is converting a newbie to metal. If they do their own thing they'll pick the "wrong" album and be turned off it.

They would need to be eased in to metal - start with accessible and less heavy stuff and if that's agreeable move to heavier stuff.

Torche, (later) Mastodon and Baroness are great examples from Eligos. Maybe even harder rock first if they're not familiar. I think (early) Metallica may turn them off - thrash metal is a more extreme sub-genre to start with (I know when I first heard Fight Fire with Fire I was blown away with the heaviness, after listening to just Motley Crue, WASP, etc in the early days).