How to get a better sound with what i have

Oct 9, 2012
Houston TX
I know theres like a million posts that are somewhat about this but basically ill explain what im trying to do then list what gear that i use and own since some of this has just been laying around for a few years.
So when I re-amp other peoples stuff it sounds good with clean sounding DI tracks. Whenever I record my DI tracks dont sound good, they sound kind of muddy and i have everything set up the exact same way when i re-amped something else. I wanna see if you guys could explain what I could do to produce good sounding DI tracks for guitar based on what I already have and how to set it up.

Gear currently owned:
Logic Pro 9
Focusrite Saffire Pro 40
Line 6 Pod Xt Pro
Monster Power Pro 600
Behringer Ultra-Di DI600P passive di box
Radial Pro-RMP studio re-amp box
Art Tube MP studio Pre-amp
krk rokit 5 studio monitors

might be a couple other things but thats whats laying around and/or being used, like i said some of it like the behringer and art boxes were bought years ago.

Any advice on how to make clean di's with this gear is appreciated. I'm new to this field so dont hate me :0
maybe, it was sound muddy because of the way you play it. VERY MOST IMPORTANT ! the way you play, the guitar you use, the pick up, the strings.
It's not just me its also other guitarists to who record. The podfarm tone sounds decent and could easily be made to sound better, i just wanted to re-amp using real tones on occasion
really needs better mixing and making space for things, guitar tone needs more crunch(screamer possibly) and bass is too low boom make bass and guitar gel and make room for the rest itll sound much more full
It sounds like you've sucked as much mids out of everything as you possibly could. :( Sounds are good at their source, but like Goodfellas said, are poorly EQ'ed. Better EQing to find every instrument its own space, a bass track and some basic mastering will go a long way.
not only guitars, the drums and bass are sound so death too. If you can make drums and bass sound nice, your guitars will be so fine.
I used a screamer, cali dual-plate head(bass-8, mids-4, highs 8, presence 8). Obviously after hearing what you guys said i'll scratch those settings and fine something else that works better