How to make a killer kick sample?


Hit'er in the shitter
Dec 12, 2005
For example the famous "Andy kick"... Just a clicky clear metalkick...

* heads on both sides?
* multiple mics?
* Processing - gear?
* low/high tuning?

Do you think different from when miking the kick with whole set?
Any advice, thoughts, good/bad experiences?
For me it's layering samples. I've not been able to get a "single" perfect miced kick. Lately I've dual miced the kick so that one mic is getting the "umph" the bottom end while the other gets the "tick" or better attack. Then I'm able to do some EQ on the tick mic to drop the low end and just blend it in for the perfect attack. Also end up cutting some mids out of the bottom end mic to tighten it up.
I got some good results with Evans G2 heads, RE 20 and a TL Audio Preamp. Just pull out some mids (200-400 hz) to get a real "woof" not a "plong". Add a little bit of high mids (4-6 khz) to get it really clicky (Pantera rocks!!!).
The more you put the mic towards the head the more click you get.

Maybe you even put a pad or (like Vinnie Paul did) a dime on your head to get the real kick.
This works very good as well:
I read he put a dime on the skin just where the beater hits it. (And don´t put the dime on your head ;-)
I read he put a dime on the skin just where the beater hits it. (And don´t put the dime on your head ;-)


Fucking aweomse dude! I'm recording my first band next month and stuff like that is awesome.

So, lemme get this right. Tape a dime (or a 10pence piece as i'm Scottish) to the place where the beater hits the skin on the kick drum?

Curious, i'm a guitarist but have ALWAYS loved vinnie's sound. How does this affect sound? And do you know if itäs better to use a plastic or felt beater for this "trick"?

So, lemme get this right. Tape a dime (or a 10pence piece as i'm Scottish) to the place where the beater hits the skin on the kick drum?

Correct! Each currency will work. :)
I´d use a 2 Euro piece as I come from Germany. Although I have to say I never tried it out. I think your skin really suffers when you do this. But I suppose Vinnie doesn´t have to pay for the skins....

Curious, i'm a guitarist but have ALWAYS loved vinnie's sound. How does this affect sound? And do you know if itäs better to use a plastic or felt beater for this "trick"?

I think you´ll get more of the metallic "click". The heavier the beater is the more click you´ll get.

I find Danmar pads helpful since they give you this clicky sound and your skin is protected, too.