how to make drum samples from an album


New Metal Member
Oct 15, 2013
How can i make drum samples from a record i like? say I wanna extract drum samples from a nile record how do i do this? I am a noob and would appreciate any help if this is even possible to do. Thanks guys
You have to find a spot where a bare hit is exposed. The tails usually get clipped though.

Ah, I see. Is there a program that could help filter out guitars, bass, vocals etc.... And isolate the drums by chance? Thanks anyways for the response.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that extracting a sample with all the other instruments playing was possible, well sorta, with phase cancelling? I remember seeing that on youtube, where you could extract vocals as long as they're in mono or hard panned. And if you download some acapella tracks from pop songs, you can barely hear the snare or some slight errors but the vocal tracks sounded pretty damn good. Also, there are even kick samples floating arround here from albums where there are no bare hits, like the doomsday machine bass drum and it's multiple samples.

But I don't know...

Could somebody give some insight about this?
If you could somehow get your hands on the track that had the drums phase cancelled from it and then used that to phase cancel with the original song then you would be left with the drums. However it's extremely impractical and I doubt the result would be usable. Not to mention it would be stealing.
You have to find a spot in some song where that particular drum is playing, and preferably be a long enough break to get the tail of the transient too, which will probably be nearly impossible in a Nile record. Even if you someone managed to get a hold of a drum-only track of a song, finding a spot like would be hard. There a lot of great other samples that people sell, which also comes to the fact that just taking a sample from an album you like would be out-right stealing..
You have to find a spot in some song where that particular drum is playing, and preferably be a long enough break to get the tail of the transient too, which will probably be nearly impossible in a Nile record. Even if you someone managed to get a hold of a drum-only track of a song, finding a spot like would be hard. There a lot of great other samples that people sell, which also comes to the fact that just taking a sample from an album you like would be out-right stealing..
I didn't think of it like that good points. I'll just keep searching the net etc.... And use the wav files I have from some great session drummers that played on my songs. All great points my man thank you for the clarity!