How to start your own "True Metal" band....


Registered Bad Guy!
Oct 15, 2001
Dublin, Ireland.
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How to make your own True Metal band
1) Make sure you're German, Italian or Swedish. If you aren't, change your nationality.

2) Get four other guys together, all should have long hair.

3) Make sure your singer sounds exactly like a cross between Michael Kiske and Bruce Dickinson. He should sing clean and high-pitched.

4) Take the guys shopping to the Halloween-costume store and pick up the most ridiculous medieval costumes you can find. A few sheepskins and a Viking helmet might help too. Make sure you look as gay as is humanly possible. Now you are ready to start writing your debut album.

5) Make sure you have the titles 'Warriors of Steel', 'Riding the Wind', and 'Dragon Lord' checked on your list of titles to use. Other titles you might want to consider are 'Fire, Blood and Glory', 'Brave Knights of Fire', 'The Triumph of Battle' and 'The Glory of my Mighty Steel'. I know these titles don't make any sense, but it's ok; you're German/Italian/Swedish now so the excuse is that your English is just not so good.

6) When writing lyrics, be sure to use the words Steel', 'Glory', 'Mighty', 'Brave', 'Warrior', 'Dragon', 'True', 'Metal', 'Fire' and 'King'. Use these words plentifully and use them in every goddamn song.

7) Try to put as much cheese on your lyrics as possible. Remember to experiment with different flavours. If you're stuck, good sentences to use are; 'Riding high across the sky on mighty wings of vengeance towards glory', 'Fighting for glory with your mighty steel of justice', and 'We're standing high, tall, proud and brave, fighting for the glory of true metal against false metal while the dragon flies high on the winds of eternity'. Don't worry if what you write makes no sense at all. You're "true" metal. People will understand.

8) Make sure that all songs you write rely completely on a catchy chorus.

9) Make sure that you only write songs in 4/4th and 3/4th. The ones in 3/4th should be medieval ballads or sing-along battle hymns.

10) Make sure that the only song structure you use is simple verse/chorus. Do remember to stick a guitar solo in there after the second chorus though.

11) Make sure that none of the songs is longer than 3 minutes. The only exception to the above couple of rules is the last song on the album, which should be a 6-7 minute song that's either a cheesy ballad called 'flying away to dreamland', or a repetitive mid-tempo tune called 'the triumph of glory'. This will be the 'epic' moment on your album.

12) Done writing. That wasn't so hard, was it?

13) Now get a record company, preferably Nuclear Blast.

14) Then get Tommy Hansen or Sasha Paeth to produce your album, and get somebody like Kai Hansen, Roland Grapow, Timo Tolkki, Oscar Dronjak or Fabio Lione to do a guest appearance on your album. Don't exhaust these people for material though, a three-second solo or a couple of vocal lines are already more than enough. The record company will take care of the rest.

15) Now it's time to talk to the press; declare that your singer is influenced by Michael Kiske and Bruce Dickinson. Do not mention anyone else. Say that your favourite bands and greatest influences are old Helloween and Iron Maiden. Be sure to mention that your favourite albums are the Keeper of the Seven Keys CDs.
16) Lastly, state that you are true metal and that you are here to teach all false metal bands a lesson in true metal. Death to false metal!

17) Congratulations, your album just went straight into the German, Italian and Swedish charts. You are now a successful pathetic true metal band.

Is it "True" or is it "True"!!!

Originally posted by VultureCulture

but be sure to check this one out[/url]

this is a death-metal-songtitle-generator from a band named Guerrilla. could as well be used for true metal, though.

and, besides, you forgot that every member with long hair should cut it of at the front of the head (dunno how it's called in english, the german word would be "vokuhila" or "asimatte")

Fukin Classic!!!

IF you wanna add a little flavor to your band make shure you use an immense ammount of classical instruments or medieval ones that are no longer used, but NEVER bring the musicians to the live shows.

And if you want death metal you must remember at all times to have the most alien form you can think of and then put some strings on it :lol:
corrupted, if i were a woman i'd want you to be a father for my children and bring them up following the Way of True Metal a.k.a. How to Wear Fur Trousers in the Summer (for italians) or How to Grow an Almighty Oak on Thy Hairy Chest (for swedish).

<b>are you sure your not just describing my band?</b>

NO WAY! this is my band! But the guy forgot that my singer sounded like a donald duck at his worst times, and my drummer couldn't figure out which skin he should hit next.:lol:
rahvin, this thread is rascist and insulting to my particular ethnical group. He is dissing swedish people!!! For this, he must be dealt with harshly, preferrably with a hammer of war, axe of destruction or a sword of metal _and_ steel! GO!
This thread is quite funny. I've lost the txt file entitled as "The 101 Rules to be a tr00 black metal headbanger", but it comes the same way. :D
