How to use the "Sneap C4"

Yeah, I got that too - but personally, I just laugh when people act like that, and keep working on trying to get good tones myself using the proper techniques! :loco:
I only used andys preset as a starting point to my own preset because his was going in the right direction of what I need. I don't use his anymore. And i have about 31 custom presets now.
it is important use Waves plugin ? anybody tried ozone 4 or another plugin with same settings ?
it is important use Waves plugin ? anybody tried ozone 4 or another plugin with same settings ?

I use Logic's Multipressor. I find it easier to use than C4. Any Multiband comp that let's you solo the bands will work.

I like to think of this technique in relation to de-essing vocals. Loop a section of chuggy guitars. Solo the low-mid band and zero in on the trouble "woofy" frequencies. Adjust attack and release to cleanly pull down these frequencies. Adjust threshold to get 2-4db of reduction (or whatever sounds right to you). Done.

I also like to use multibands to pull the boxy, cheap sound out of snares without taking the piss out of the decay.
it is important use Waves plugin ? anybody tried ozone 4 or another plugin with same settings ?

Much as the aforementioned preset isn't magical, the C4 isn't more magical than any other halfway decent multiband comp -- which really just means good phase characteristics on the crossovers, mostly. Ozone 4 definitely falls into this category.
I like to think of this technique in relation to de-essing vocals. Loop a section of chuggy guitars. Solo the low-mid band and zero in on the trouble "woofy" frequencies. Adjust attack and release to cleanly pull down these frequencies. Adjust threshold to get 2-4db of reduction (or whatever sounds right to you). Done.

Thanks a lot. I guess that's the kind of answer the OP (and me by the way) expected... Like some hints on how to use the C4 settings properly.
Well, apparently my sarcasm has not been properly sensed. For anyone else who didn't get it, yes, Andy's C4 preset exists. I threw that out there because it seems that there is a constant, endless stream of newbies who come along to these forums whose minds are fixated on Andy's "magical" C4 preset, much like moths fixated on a stupid lightbulb- you can keep smashing into the lightbulb, but it's probably only making you dumber. I just wish that people would realize that the C4 preset is going to have such a small effect on your tone compared to what you might envision, that it is hardly worth even asking about. Every time someone comes along talking about the C4 preset, I am forced to think of how many people are out there in the world, using the C4 preset on their pirated Waves Diamond bundle, who don't need it and have no clue why they even use it all the time, except for the fact that it's Andy's preset. Does this frustrate anyone else?

I will type this ONE time myself, despite the fact that dozens of others have already typed this before me on these forums: the preset is a good starting point for you, only if you have guitar tracks recorded that are a little too woofy sounding in the low-mids during palm mutes. If your guitar tone does not suffer from woofy mutes, then PLEASE DO NOT even think about Andy's C4 preset, it is not for you, and it will not make your guitars sound any better than they already do- NO BETTER WHATSOEVER.


:lol: I love the moth comparison Aaron
Well, apparently my sarcasm has not been properly sensed. For anyone else who didn't get it, yes, Andy's C4 preset exists. I threw that out there because it seems that there is a constant, endless stream of newbies who come along to these forums whose minds are fixated on Andy's "magical" C4 preset, much like moths fixated on a stupid lightbulb- you can keep smashing into the lightbulb, but it's probably only making you dumber. I just wish that people would realize that the C4 preset is going to have such a small effect on your tone compared to what you might envision, that it is hardly worth even asking about. Every time someone comes along talking about the C4 preset, I am forced to think of how many people are out there in the world, using the C4 preset on their pirated Waves Diamond bundle, who don't need it and have no clue why they even use it all the time, except for the fact that it's Andy's preset. Does this frustrate anyone else?

I will type this ONE time myself, despite the fact that dozens of others have already typed this before me on these forums: the preset is a good starting point for you, only if you have guitar tracks recorded that are a little too woofy sounding in the low-mids during palm mutes. If your guitar tone does not suffer from woofy mutes, then PLEASE DO NOT even think about Andy's C4 preset, it is not for you, and it will not make your guitars sound any better than they already do- NO BETTER WHATSOEVER.


So I take it you yourself have taken the preset from this forum and used it?

So what's the problem?
AAron is totally spot on....
Its not something that NEEDS to be there.
The other day I pulled up the c4 (the studio i was at had it... YAY!) and loaded andys preset as a starting point for a miced track (5150 cab BTW) where the bottom end on chuggs bloomed right out like a motherfucker and was killing headroom on the mix... i mean REALLY badly. the waveform looked like
---_____ ---

Thats when you use it not because loading it will make your tone magically like sneaps.

What i find interesting about that magical preset; is it looks like something set "in the heat of the moment" per ce.
SO many of the values are at factory default. funny.