How was the FUTURE'S END set?

I was talking to Fred Saturday night and he told me they sold 120 discs after their set on Thursday.

I think that's a pretty good testament on how the band went over to the folks at the show.
Wish I could've been there, Mama TexasBeth said that they kicked ass and I can't wait to see it for myself! I have been a big fan since I heard the early prelim releases on net radio. FUTURES END!! \mm/
They ruled the night on Wednesday for me. I also wish I had bought their disc... I thought, Well, their merch table is a little packed, so I'll just buy it from the vendor room tomorrow... DOH!
echoing many of the above sentiments... the set from Futures End was tight, solid, and exciting to watch. Kudos to the band for kicking off a great night of live music! I missed their signing session afterwards, but was able to talk to Christian and Fred later in the weekend. And just as I told them - if I hadn't already been a fan of their music from what I've heard on 'net radio, their show would have made me a fan as I am certain it did many others last Thursday night!

I was incredibly impressed with Futures End's live set.

As part of the preparation for my festival interview with the band, Christian sent me the music as soon as the final mix was complete. I spun the disc a few times before I spoke with Christian and Marc in late July. However, my iPod now reveals that Memoirs of a Broken Man is my most frequently listened to disc of 2009. So needless to say, I had the advantage of being incredibly familiar with their music heading into the Thursday performance. To pull off, what they pulled off, on their first show ever, was more than just a little impressive. And it's a testament to just how impressive this line up is. I can't even imagine how bad ass this band will be after a dozen live dates.

I also feel the need to make a point about how impressed I am with Fred's vocals. As a huge Zero Hour fan, I had always laid the blame for the less than stellar A Fragile Mind at Fred's feet, since he was the "new guy". However, it's clear he wasn't the disc's downfall. While his vocal work on Memoirs is outstanding, his ability to faithfully reproduce that performance live, is even more impressive.

With three fourths of 2009 in the books, Memoirs of a Broken Man is my #1 CD of 2009.*


*I've yet to spin the new Redemption.
i am TOTALLY bummed we got stuck in traffic and missed their set. but one of the highlights of my weekend was running into the drummer outside the bar bathroom and drunkenly pointing and yelling SADUS at him. he looked shocked someone recognized him from Sadus and not Future's End. i mentioned we missed their set due to traffic and i was excited to see SADUS's rhythm section playing power metal. he then reached into his back pocket and gave me their CD. very cool, dude. LONG LIVE SADUS!!
Their bass player is Steve DiGiorgio of Sadus/Death/Control Denied/Iced Earth/Testament fame... one of the best metal bass players in the world, bar none in my opinion.

This guy was outrageous....his fingers were just a blur of motion. I rarely watch what the bass players are doing, but he was the show for me in this band.

Forgot to pick up their disc, but my friend got it so hopefully I'll get a chance to check it out...
I guess I'm unique here in being not all that impressed. For me, the music didn't stick out much. I ended up taking a nap during their set, mostly because I was tired after an early start to the day.
What Zod said. Definitely give the tunes an extra spin to get to know the band- it's a great CD and the music has a lot going on. I had the privilege of having the music in hand early as well and knew all the songs- it's an advantage for sure. Stand to Fall remains one of my favorite songs of the year- plus because of your iPod reference I checked mine to see and it's top 3.

I'm still contending with Mz. Metalhead 101 (my daughter) who is an enormous FE fan due to the advanced screening and was bummed to not see the debut show.
FUTURE'S END was fantastic!! It's incredible to think that that was the first time they have ever played together... Like WHAT?? The Set was killer! All those guys were amazing.. Fred's voice was strong. And it was cool seeing the Zero Hour tandem with Chris at work... And what is it with a fret-less bass that sounds so cool!
If you have some time, give it another spin or two. I don't think what they do is instant, nor is it intended to be.

It wouldn't be the first time that I came back to a band later after not being impressed with them live. I was just saying that they didn't do anything that made them stand out in a crowd, and goodness knows that there is a large crowd of bands out there.
What Zod said. Definitely give the tunes an extra spin to get to know the band- it's a great CD and the music has a lot going on. I had the privilege of having the music in hand early as well and knew all the songs- it's an advantage for sure. Stand to Fall remains one of my favorite songs of the year- plus because of your iPod reference I checked mine to see and it's top 3.

I'm still contending with Mz. Metalhead 101 (my daughter) who is an enormous FE fan due to the advanced screening and was bummed to not see the debut show.

I'd really love to read your post, but I'm far too mesmerized by your signature. :)
HA. Well here it is again. Those are my merchandise girls. (easy one is my daughter- haaha) I have them work most shows I put together- they are very good at ensuring merch moves.

That's actually a teaser to a whole line of banners coming out. I'm not bashful at saying so either.
Now re-read on FE. lol.
HA. Well here it is again. Those are my merchandise girls. (easy one is my daughter- haaha)

I'm going to hell. :err: :lol:

I have them work most shows I put together- they are very good at ensuring merch moves.

I'd be interested to see how that merch table would compare to the ProgPower shirt table corset-hottie crew on Friday night. Su + Tracie + Jen + Dawn (if I remember correctly) = no wonder I spent so much time sitting on that bench across the hall. ;)

EDIT: But, of course, none of this has anything to do with Future's End, who BTW were great! :kickass:
That's cool coz there's no last call in hell....... ; ) but my baby is an angel so she won't be there. LOL.

And I won't touch the corseted ladies comment. Those chicks looked amazing. I'm a major wuss who didn't wear one... consider it the same, but different.
We're still mad you didn't take us to ProgPower. Maybe next year. I'm really glad FE did a great show. Now if *I* could see them too because the CD is amazing.
I'm sad that I wasn't able to attend the showcase. I've listened to the disc a good 3 or 4 times since the festival and it gets better with every play.