How was the FUTURE'S END set?

they completely tore it up, loved the look on Fred and Chris' face when there was an arrangement malfunction.... a complete metal clinic in one performance.... just imagine what these guys will do when they get a little more time together and a few shows under their belts!

Nicely done all

Lance, an 'arrangement malfunction' is FAR better than if we had a 'wardrobe malfunction'. I am sure NO ONE would have wanted to see THAT! :D
I only have one bad thing to say....the set was too short. They could have played every song on the disc. The CD is that good.

Christian and Marc's duel shredding was amazing. I never saw fingers move that fast :lol:

Steve D is just a monster and I feel complete after seeing him live. He's like Geezer on speed :p

Jon's pounding double bass was just that :headbang:

And Fred's vocals made lose my voice after singing the whole set. I knew the words thanks to a very special person. I always loved his voice with ZH.

One small hiccup for their first time on stage together is pretty amazing...I think :headbang: