how was your weekend?


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
cask ale festival, $20 for a bottomless glass. much fun was had and neither me nor willow drank too much and got sick. good times.

for the 2nd weekend in a row we went to go watch sheepdog trials at a nearby ranch. this time the weather was way nicer and so were all the people there. not only did I get to meet someone from the state of jefferson, but I also met tons of sweet border collies. awesomeness.
(this is the third time I've tried to post this damn thread)
I'm not sure how anything could have been cooler than the State of Jefferson secession page, but that blog sure as hell is.

Friday: drunken bday celebration w/ friends
Saturday: moved heavy shit out to desert for pops
Sunday: sober bday celebration w/ family
friday - scenster bar hopping - drunk.
saturday - weed and Hot Shots Part 1...then some club that spins disco music. I danced the night away!
sunday - rehearsal and pizza.

pretty average-ish all in all.
Friday - Was feeling kind of sick during the day, watched a movie and went to Waffle House that night.
Saturday - 3 hours of yard work to raise money, then took gekko and a few others camping at my farm. My mom fed us a lot of food.
Sunday - Drove back in the rain and sat around being unproductive most of the day.
Friday: Road trip to Hull Casino for school project.
Saturday: Study, cleaning up the apartment. Beer, whisky and lost of food with friends then first part of "V" marathon.
Sunday: Study, cleaning up some more.
Today: Study, groceries and miscelaneous.
Friday: movie with a friend who was in town. it was good to see her.
Saturday: work all day.
Sunday: bad mood because I wanted to run errands on my day off but everything was closed in honor of a resurrection, which, tbh, i doubt happened. actually it wasn't all bad. my dad came home from the hospital after the surgery he had last thursday, though we weren't expecting him to get out till monday, so that's a good sign.
just to add to the chatter:
I had two beers at the cask ale fest that were flavored with oak - very interesting stuff. and one that was a cider, too. I wasn't too hot on the IPA (not my thing), but the "Oaked Bastard" (from Stone Brewing of the Arrogant Bastard Ale) was excellent.
Friday: Drive to New Jersey
Saturday: Pickup girlfriend in Philadelphia, bring her home, go to dinner that my mother has invited my grandmother, great aunt and boyfriend, aunt and uncle with their two children, my crazy uncle (everybody has one, I have 3), and immediate family to (at least the pizza was good), hang out with best friend and infant child.
Sunday: Get dragged to church which traumatized my girlfriend, delcious brunch prepared by my mother, 8 hour traffic-ridden drive back to richmond.

Surprisingly enough, my girlfriend wasn't horrified by my family and even crazier, my family liked her. That has never happened before.