How will I find you?


Active Member
Jul 7, 2002
St. Paul, MN
Last night I was hoping to find a few board members, but I had no idea where to start. For my close friends, I've already made arrangements to meet them, but I have no way of knowing who the rest of you are! I may not know a lot of you, but I'd still like to recognize you when we pass.

If you want to meet others from the board like I do - post your picture, or a description, or simply "I'll be at the bar wearing a Blind Guardian hat" :) That will narrow it down a little.

I know it's late notice, but nonetheless.... I'll have my hair in two pony tails, wearing a sleevless black shirt, and an Iron Maiden necklace - if you're so inclined, say hello! :Spin:

Hope to see you there!

tonight, i'll be in vinyl pants with a red leopard print halter top. just look for the fairy tattoo on my back. i've also been the little gothy chick with the bright pink hair. it's really hard to miss that :)
freakchylde said:
tonight, i'll be in vinyl pants with a red leopard print halter top. just look for the fairy tattoo on my back. i've also been the little gothy chick with the bright pink hair. it's really hard to miss that :)

Oh I saw you last night! :) I'll be sure to say hello tonight when I see you again. Not sure what I'll be wearing yet, but you probably wont even see this in time anyways...

Totally... I thought I saw some people that might be from the boards... But I always hate asking people.

I'm... kinda tall... sorta... I have glasses and shorter brownish hair. I had an EDGUY shirt on durring Night 2 and a Dream Theater shirt on durring Night 1...

I'll try to post a picture or something...
Yeah, I didn't meet any of you, I saw freakchylde, thought that might have been her, but didn't know. The rest of you, I have no clue what you look like. Its a pity I didn't get a chance to say hey to any of the fellow atlanta folk - but hell, any time anybody wants to get together for a drink or two, I'm always BORED, so I'm game.
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freakchylde said:
aurgh!!!!!! i missed you!!!!! next year, we must have a board dinner/party/something!

I know, I can't believe I missed you on the second day! I saw you all over the place on day one, but I only caught a glimpse of you on day two :yell:

I like your idea of a group dinner! That would make it a lot easier to know who's from the board instead of having to ask random strangers if you know them from the internet! haha!

I did meet a few people, which was really great, but it's a pity I couldn't meet more. It really adds a lot of posting on the boards if you've met the people you're reading & writing to.. even if it's only a quick 'hello'

Next year, we really must be more adamant about getting the group together! Many people tried, but it never culminated.. Hopefully there will be interest in a get together next year :)


This was me and I am amazed that people were recognizing me. I had a symphony x hat on both days with a pain of salvation jersey the first night and an opeth shirt the second night.

I will say there were alot of late partiers at the fairfield:loco:o_O
Wandrail said:
Yeah, I didn't meet any of you, I saw freakchylde, thought that might have been her, but didn't know. The rest of you, I have no clue what you look like. Its a pity I didn't get a chance to say hey to any of the fellow atlanta folk - but hell, any time anybody wants to get together for a drink or two, I'm always BORED, so I'm game.

yeah, saw you, unfortunately, the day i would have been able to continually run into you, i was running around trying to get various people to various other places. if the atlanta crowd tries to get to another concert, i'll be there. i'll be at the type o show this weekend.
Wandrail said:
Yeah, I didn't meet any of you, I saw freakchylde, thought that might have been her, but didn't know. The rest of you, I have no clue what you look like. Its a pity I didn't get a chance to say hey to any of the fellow atlanta folk - but hell, any time anybody wants to get together for a drink or two, I'm always BORED, so I'm game.

HEY! What am I, chopped liver?? :p :lol:

Smack him for me, Sh0k ;)
*big hugs* It was awesome to finally meet you too!! I'm so glad we're not goin' *hey I was there too but didn't see you* again this year! And you're most welcome for the was fun!
Yeah that would be a bummer if we didn't end up meeting this year - especially after that incident in Chicago @ the BG/SX show :Smug:

We'll have to do the same next year, only we'll have a real get together with everyone from the forums!

I talked to some nice people. I wish I would have asked the e-mail of someone I was talking to at the Hampton Inn. His name was David... Actually, I talked to another awesome David guy that took some pictures for me at the lunch and was a Savatage fan! :)

Anyway, there was too much "goth" for me to handle. I was thinking there would be a ton of Power Metal fans but there really weren't a ton. There were a lot, but not how I was expecting.

For example, I thought I would see a bunch of other people wearing Fantasy/Medieval shirts but I was the only one ... :ill:
tattooedsean666 said:
I will say there were alot of late partiers at the fairfield:loco:o_O

Damn! We were at the Fairfield too, and saw a bunch of folks sitting around on the balcony on the second floor, but I was too shy to say anything. We didn't know anyone at all and felt sorta left out of the festivities. :erk: Well, I intend to stick around these boards, so hopefully my buddy and I won't have to be so shy next time...

-- Laura
Unfortunately I didn't get to meet too many UM board members unless they were also part of TEoF, but I did meet one or two of 'em. On Saturday I had on my Symphony X babydoll shirt, a black miniskirt, fishnet nylons and big black boots, so if any of you happened to see that, it was me. :) Oh well, better luck next year!

I am some what of an artist (decorative painting and stained glass) and I have at least 50 wooden discs about 2 inches in diameter that I will paint black and stencil UM in green onto it. They will have either a tie tack or a pin glued to the back.
Anyone interested in having one for next year need to only send me a private e-mail. All I ask is that you send me your address so I can mail it to you. I had actually planned to do it for PP4 but time got away from me.
I have close to a year now to get them done so start putting in your requests! Painting is something I love to do and it is like therapy to me so you'd actually be doing me a favor.
Love You All!!!!