How will I find you?

Oakenson said:
Anyway, there was too much "goth" for me to handle. I was thinking there would be a ton of Power Metal fans but there really weren't a ton. There were a lot, but not how I was expecting.

too much? i didn't see that much, in fact i pretty much glued myself to one of the few 'gothy' folks there. i saw more people looking like they stepped out of a frat party than someone who just came home from a halloween party. then again, it's just music tastes, it's something we all had in common there. which says a good deal, and i liked that.
LuCinda said:
I am some what of an artist (decorative painting and stained glass) and I have at least 50 wooden discs about 2 inches in diameter that I will paint black and stencil UM in green onto it. They will have either a tie tack or a pin glued to the back.
Anyone interested in having one for next year need to only send me a private e-mail. All I ask is that you send me your address so I can mail it to you. I had actually planned to do it for PP4 but time got away from me.
I have close to a year now to get them done so start putting in your requests! Painting is something I love to do and it is like therapy to me so you'd actually be doing me a favor.
Love You All!!!!
That's a terrific idea Cindy! I just e-mailed you all my info. That was the biggest problem I had in meeting people from the boards (that, plus like PixelHerder, my boyfriend & I are a bit on the shy side).. Thankfully Jax (Lady of the Oracle) had her UM shirt on at the pre-party! That made it easier to say hello :) So to combat this whole "I don't know anyone and I'm too shy to say anything" syndrome that a few of us have, I say we all get together before the event for a lunch or drinks that way we all have someone to party with! :)

so far for last year and this year our group arrived Thursday and basically went straight to the HARD ROCK Cafe. Those of you who don't know about it, it's about 2-3 miles from the venue. A long walk, but that's how we did it. Cab fair can't be more than $10 for a carload of metalheads. that would be an easy landmark to meet at for some decent food and beers to get to know everyone.

I think next year we'll be arriving Wednesday so we're not too rushed getting there and hitting the pre-show party.
I know I saw you at the SX luncheon, Meg, and I'm pretty sure I saw Freakchylde too, although I didn't know at the time who you were.

I was wearing a black corset Sat night. Which apparently nobody got a picture of. *thpt* I was too busy taking pictures of other people!
jaimek said:
I know I saw you at the SX luncheon, Meg, and I'm pretty sure I saw Freakchylde too, although I didn't know at the time who you were.

I was wearing a black corset Sat night. Which apparently nobody got a picture of. *thpt* I was too busy taking pictures of other people!

i recall you. :) i always appreciate a corset, and you had a nice one. :)
freakchylde said:
tonight, i'll be in vinyl pants with a red leopard print halter top. just look for the fairy tattoo on my back. i've also been the little gothy chick with the bright pink hair. it's really hard to miss that :)
I saw you at the pre party *we were out front together* and several times after at Earthlink. Funny how you keep running into someone but don't even know, or think that you have spoken before!!! Should have known...
freakchylde said:
i recall you. :) i always appreciate a corset, and you had a nice one. :)

Thank you! :D Took me three weeks to find just the right one, that wasn't too gaudy, cheaply made, or ridiculously expensive. I like to wear something interesting/different, without being remarked on by everybody as "that chick with the..."

(like, say, the one at PP2 who was universally referred to as "the chick with her thong hanging out of her pants.")
jaimek said:
Thank you! :D Took me three weeks to find just the right one, that wasn't too gaudy, cheaply made, or ridiculously expensive. I like to wear something interesting/different, without being remarked on by everybody as "that chick with the..."

i know that feeling. sucks to have that happen, especially when i realize it's about me!

(like, say, the one at PP2 who was universally referred to as "the chick with her thong hanging out of her pants.")

oh good gods!!!!! i get several of those a week in my store, and some of them you really don't wish to know they're wearing that. *shudders*