How would you like the world to end

I'd like to be alive, and I wouldn't like to know. It'll end when Skyfire does a NA tour with the volume cranked up too loud. Jonas' bass solo hits 574 dB and starts an earthquake which shatters several tectonic plates. Lava pours out of the gap, and the world is consumed in fire. Two astronauts, Bob and Bobelina, survive to repopulate the earth. Unfortunately, Bob has ED and can't find his Viagra. They shrivel up and die. Skyfire live made the recordings seem like LImp Bizkit by comparison.
AlphaTemplar said:
I'd like to be alive, and I wouldn't like to know. It'll end when Skyfire does a NA tour with the volume cranked up too loud. Jonas' bass solo hits 574 dB and starts an earthquake which shatters several tectonic plates. Lava pours out of the gap, and the world is consumed in fire. Two astronauts, Bob and Bobelina, survive to repopulate the earth. Unfortunately, Bob has ED and can't find his Viagra. They shrivel up and die. Skyfire live made the recordings seem like LImp Bizkit by comparison.

How about...

Skyfire finally goes on an American Tour and all the males in the crowd cream all over the place and everybody get's STD's and dies? :tickled: